Let's Get Honest! Absolutely Uncommon Analysis of Family & Conciliation Courts' Operations, Practices, & History

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The Samaans, Marcia Fay, et al. (Sacramento murder-suicide after “bitter custody dispute”)

with 5 comments

This post segues immediately upon the end of the last one, and I hope you’ll go there before reading this one.


Topic: http://familylawchannel.com/, briefly




Again, a father has apparently shot (murdered) his toddler, and himself, and California Protective Parents Association wants O’Brien (the judge out), Center for Judicial Excellence wants the Nabil Samaan brother of the suicide “victim” of bad family courts disbarred for an outrageous comment he made (and since retracted) (doubt it’s going to happen -but if it does, there are more like him, who might in the future be less outspoken, but based on what I’ve seen in a prominent (probably) SF attorney, “Prometheus,” I doubt it).





In looking for a minor detail (their ages!) of the mother and father, I ran across another article in the Capitol Weekly, noting that the “kneejerk reaction is to blame a family court official” in the “Capitol Weekly.”  They’re right about this, although quite often it IS a family court official — doing business as usual in the family court system — that this time, made the last in a string of bad decisions resulting in a newspaper headline.

I kept looking, and this post contains further information, though I do not pretend it’s “investigative reporting” on the Fay/Samaan situation — but a little family background, as it were, while the same family is loudly complaining about the courts and of course the mother, in the press.



The Capitol in “Capitol Weekly” referring to state capital, Sacramento, of course — where this case was.  The article doesn’t tell me too much, but the comments had a lead:


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Re: Capitol Weekly: In family courts, one tactic is to slam the judicial employees

This is so sick and scary. I have 2 step children that I would otherwise adopt but I am so disgusted with and scared of the CA Family Court system that I dont even consider it. How many families have they ruined so far, how many innocent and loving people’s lives ruined?  more…
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Re: Capitol Weekly: In family courts, one tactic is to slam the judicial employees

Ha!  Sheain’t the only bad apple in the greater Sacramento region. Dr. Makram Samaan,grandfather of Madeline Layla Samaan-Fay, who was murdered by her father, Dr. Samaan’sson, is a psychologist employed by the Sacramento Family Court as a mediator.  He along with his son, Nabil, the attorney,…  more…You should check out the good doctor on the Sacramento Superior Court website, it appears that he has been sued by numerous clients for professional malpractice…another bad apple?


That article, some smart commenter said, look up where the grandpa has been doing business (with the courts).  I was going to, thanks for the tip.

Entity Number Date Filed Status Entity Name Agent for Service of Process

Entity Number Date Filed Status Entity Name Agent for Service of Process

(not necessarily all related, I just looked up the last name AFTER writing most of this post and because of what it unearthed).

Barzin Barry Sabahat, Business and Family law attorney in Campbell, CA?

there are also Sabahat Corporations (Revoked) and Samaan (revoked) in NEvada also — see below)

The street address of this partnership appears to be (another) corporation service? and the registered agent, yes, is Mr. Sabahat, Esq.’s address:

(iroozipages.com) I DNK if this is any relationship to the Samaan family that just lost a granddaughter and a son through a murder/suicide around custody issues.


This post has very little about Marcia Fay because I found less about her (apart from negative comments from neighbors or friends of the father’s side).  She is a public official.  I am so sorry for her loss!  Perhaps later she will say  more!





1983 — CAL STATE OUSTS Dr. Makram Samaan; this is the appeal:


I’ll highlight.  This is a speed post.


Samann v. Trustees of Cal. State University & Colleges (1983) 150 Cal.App.3d 646 [197 Cal.Rptr. 856]  {{note:  last name mis-spelled here,….}}

Samann v. Trustees of Cal. State University & Colleges (1983) 150 Cal.App.3d 646 , 197 Cal.Rptr. 856[Civ. No. 22411. Court of Appeals of California, Third Appellate District. December 15, 1983.]

MAKRAM K. SAMAAN, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. TRUSTEES OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES et al., Defendants and Respondents.

(Opinion by Sparks, J., with Regan, Acting, P. J., and Carr, J., concurring.)


Turner & Sullivan, Richard K. Turner and Mary A. O’Gara for Plaintiff and Appellant.

John K. Van de Kamp, Attorney General, N. Eugene Hill, Assistant Attorney General, and Talmadge R. Jones, Deputy Attorney General, for Defendants and Respondents.



Appellant Makram K. Samaan appeals from a judgment of the Superior Court of Sacramento County which upheld his dismissal as a [150 Cal.App.3d 650] tenured professor at California State University at Sacramento. Appellant contends: (1) the trial court erred in determining that his proper remedy was a petition to set aside an arbitrator’s award under Code of Civil Procedure section 1285 et seq., rather than a petition for a writ of administrative mandate under Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.5; (2) he was denied procedural and substantive due process; (3) the arbitration did not cure the due process violations; and (4) his dismissal from employment was an abuse of discretion. We reject these contentions and shall affirm the judgment.

{{HOWEVER now the shoe is on the other foot; this is routine for participants ordered into mediation from the courts!}}



Appellant studied psychology and educational psychology at the University of Minnesota and earned a doctorate degree from that institution. He has been employed as a professor at California State University at Sacramento (CSUS) since 1970, and is a tenured employee. He also engages in the private practice of psychology and counseling. He holds licenses as a psychologist and as a marriage and family counselor. Appellant’s wife, Mary Samaan, is licensed as a marriage and family counselor.

Appellant’s difficulties arose out of activities with regard to billing for services under the Medi-Cal program.

(paragraphing from here forwards is mine….)

An investigation into appellant’s practice developed evidence of three questionable activities.

First, appellant had submitted billing to Medi-Cal for 119 services which his wife rather than he had performed. Appellant’s wife does not hold a license which qualifies her to render services compensable under the Medi-Cal program and she is not licensed as a Medi-Cal provider. Appellant signed billing forms for these services in which he attested that he had personally performed the services, although he had not done so.

Medi-Cal Fraud — 119 cases!   Lying.  Farming out to unlicensed provider, probably knew this was illegal so signed the forms himself.

Second, an auditor came to the conclusion that appellant had submitted bills to Medi-Cal for work performed at Serene Homes in excess of the number of hours he had been there.

Again, this is fraud and lying — inflating bills.  An “honorable tradition,” followed also by Maximus, Inc., and others, it seems.

Third, on two different occasions appellant had performed services for Medi-Cal mothers and had submitted billing forms for the mothers and their children, although he had never seen the children.

On these occasions appellant had submitted separate billing forms for each of the children involved. He had attested that he personally performed psychotherapeutic services for them, and listed his diagnosis of their problems, although he had not seen the children.

Again, I would categorizing this as LYING.  This eminently qualifies him for work in family court services in several jurisdictions, which will maximize billings until and unless caught. I wonder what percent % (if any) the state gets from Federal Medi-Cal reimbursements.  I don’t know, but we know when it comes to the child support angle, which is related.  It’s 34% to the state.  If the services never happened, just the billing, that’s a clean sweep on both parts (not counting, of course, the kids who might’ve actually needed those services).

In May 1979 the Attorney General’s office filed a 17-count criminal information against appellant and his wife. Ultimately, pursuant to a plea bargain, appellant entered a plea of guilty to one count of grand theft in violation of Penal Code section 487, subdivision 1, in return for dismissal [150 Cal.App.3d 651] of the charges against his wife and dismissal of all other charges against himself. Appellant was placed on probation for three years with conditions including the reimbursement of the Medi-Cal program of $5,431.50, payment of a fine of $1,000 plus penalty assessment, and that he perform 120 hours of community service. fn. 1

Am I wrong or does that look like a slap in the wrist.  Did anybody audit whether the 120 hours were actually performed by him, farmed out to his wife, or just never occurred?  (Note — only 3 weeks of service).


When CSUS President Lloyd Johns learned of the conviction of appellant he invoked Executive Order 245, the interim disciplinary procedure for academic personnel for California State Universities and Colleges. Pursuant to Executive Order 245, Austin Gerber, Dean of the School of Business and Public Administration, was appointed as administrative officer with the duty of conducting a factfinding investigation and making a recommendation of further action to the president. Appellant responded to the investigation in writing through his attorney. After receiving Gerber’s report, President Johns determined to proceed with a disciplinary action.

Education Code section 89535 provides that immoral conduct, unprofessional conduct, dishonesty, and conviction of a felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude are grounds for dismissal, demotion or suspension.

Does this go for attorneys also? I’d like to know.  Glad it does for tenured professors, though.  of course it’s not going to be possible to entirely clean house and maintain business as usual in some circles….


Education Code section 89538 provides in relevant part: “Notice of dismissal, demotion, or suspension for cause of an employee shall be in writing, signed by the chancellor or his designee and be served on the employee, setting forth a statement of causes, the events or transactions upon which the causes are based, the nature of the penalty and the effective date, and a statement of the employee’s right to answer within 20 days and request a hearing before the State Personnel Board.” Education Code section 89539 provides that in the event the employee shall request a hearing before the State Personnel Board the hearing shall be conducted in the same manner as state civil service proceedings and the party taking the disciplinary action shall have the burden of proof.


There is text that the faculty committee excused all of the above behavior, but an arbitrator later found no cause to do so, and he was dismissed, which is here being appealed.  You have the link and can follow up…  I personally sometimes have billed in advance, but never bill in advance having said I already performed the work.  And I can’t quite conceive of having claimed to perform work, when it was a relative that did instead, and one not qualified to do so.  Good grief — is that what a doctorate in psychology and a background in educational psychology leads one to do?


Still practicing:

Samaan and Samaan, Dr. Makram & Mary, BA,MA.Egypt+MA,PhD,Minnesota
10411 Fair Oaks Boulevard
Fair Oaks, CA 95628


Here’s an Arizona site that, after telling the story (carefully putting “father shot daughter” into third person (im)passive, i.e., “the child is dead and so is her father,”

and “father and daughter suffered gunshot wounds”) simply plugs his own services.  Disgusting!  Of course it was the custody battle that killed the little girl, and the father.

Sorrow and Frustration from Moni’s Father and Brother.

When asked about the death of his son and granddaughter, Dr. Makram Samaan — a psychologist and mediator who helps couples through divorce issues and whose thesis was on suicide — lamented that his son Moni had suffered greatly and feared losing his daughter. Furthermore, Makram stated that Moni telephoned him the same day that he drove off one last time in his SUV with Madeline. Makram believed his son and granddaughter died of carbon monoxide poisoning from the vehicle’s exhaust pipe at Grizzly Flat. But a later report from Lt. Brian Golmitz from the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department stated that the father and daughter had suffered gunshot wounds — Moni’s death was caused by a self-inflicted gun-shot wound. Madeline had been shot twice.

aka Moni shot Madeline twice, (in what part of the body), killing her, and then himself  inside? a car with the exhaust pipe running into it (or whatever the details).  By all means, remove any indicators of intentional murder (active verbs involving lethal weapons, whether gas or bullets) from the narrative and then advertise your services, which I’m not going to dignify with naming here, although because I quoted, I’m linking.


More post-mortem quotes from the father of the father that killed himself and his kid:

Mercury News, 8/16/11, Stephen Magnanini & Peter Hecht, Sacbee.com

Dr. Samaan said his son Moni graduated from American River College and UC Davis and had a long career with Hewlett-Packard.

He loved windsurfing, fishing and kayaking and sailed solo from Hawaii to California, said Samaan, himself an avid sailor. “He saved me from drowning in the Red Sea.”

About four years ago, “he said he met a beautiful woman on the Internet, she’s good, she’s an attorney,” Samaan said. “They got married in March 2006.”

The couple separated before Madeleine was born December 2008. He said Moni learned of his child’s birth from his brother and sister-in-law.

Samaan said perhaps his son died for him to start a movement to take marriage disputes out of the courts. “The mother and father are mother and father forever,” he said. “We need to save America by saving the family.”


And by exploiting Medi-Cal mothers by claiming to have seen their kids when you haven’t, see above…

Obviously, I am blogging the Dr’s name here, and this comment (from the same one?) shows in response to a Dr. Amen article called “Why Didn’t Dr. Hasan seek help?” Again, not everyone commenting under a certain name on-line necessarily owns the name:

Posted November 6, 2009 at 1:19 pm | Permalink

DR Amen
NO, You are mistaken your Identity.
If your ancestors neverr been frpom Arabia, and only planted and grew-up an d Multiplied and breaded in LEBANON since BC hyears, then: Dr Daniel Amen is a PHYNICIAN.. and We the Ancient Egyptian, especially ThotmosesIII, hav e fought and made peace and traded for long time. Thanks to your Cedar of Lebanon helped us in many construction projects
Dr Amen, You are NOT an ARAB, You only speak ARABIC because it was imposed in place of your original local langiuage; Phynician…because a mentally derained Khalif imposed on your ancestors, as on my ancestors a Capital Punishment if we spoke our original s[ponanious Language, whether its your Phynician or our Coptic language.
Speaking Arabic does not make us Arabs. No Negative reflection on Arabs, they have their history and culture, BUT it is asserrtion of our History, the Civilization we create and our culture too. Deniel of our national origins is a Humanity Felonhy

Dr Makram Samaan
Professor Emeritus, CSU
Positive Psycologist / Coach

(especially with this spelling!) interesting, “professor emeritus” given, why…)


Coaching for Optimal Living Consultant:

Company Description
Dr. Samaan is a psychologist with expertise in communication skills, body language, body demeanor, voice inflection, vocal tone, and eye contact. He is also a consultant in negotiations and motivation, and coach with professionals, for healthier, happier and prosperous living. Dr. Samaan, has been a researcher, consultant, and professor at Universities and Professional Centers here and abroad. He was born and grew up in Egypt (Ancient Egypt, as he prefers). He was born in a Christian Family, but became an expert in all Eastern and Western Religions, as each has its own tenant to compliment the others, to produce the human kindness and evolutionary progress. Communications: Speech and body demeanors, Comprehensive indicator signals as authentic presentation of personal strengths, belief and value systems: Excellent for jury selection, sales and customer service. Coaching: discovering, developing and application of Authentic Strengths and virtues in Personal living, Work, Family and Relationships, to action highest satisfaction in work (FLOW), Happy Family, Parenting, Healthy Longevity, and Effective Community and Prosperous Life. Visual Perception and Diamentional Listening. Psychological Treatment, for Liberation from obstacles towards Goal Achievement of a happier life style and PI cases. Mediation/Negotiations; The best approach for a Non Zero Sum gain (every one is a winner): in business, Marriage and Family conflicts, Psychological Evaluations.





Makram Samaan, Ph.D.(PPN1/ATM) Professor Emeritus, CSU, Positive Psychologist drmsamaan@sbcglobal.com Integrating PP in Medicine, schools

For some reason, the grandfather made a LizLibrary (california) list of Children need .  . . THIS?

Please note that the inclusion of any individual on the below list does not necessarily indicate the existence of any licensing or other violation, but only that we obtained or have been made aware of information of interest relevant to the subject matter of child custody evaluations or other issues bearing upon mental health practitioners and the functioning of the family court system.California Licensing Information

William Hamilton Ayres (N) * Breffni Barrett, Ph.D. * Sidney Brown, Ph.D.* Janelle L. Burrill, Ph.D., J.D., LCSW(more) * Stephen Doyne, Ph.D. (more) (more) (more) (more) * Michael Dufficy * Warren Farrell, Ph.D. (N) *Judith B. Henderson, Ph.D.Michael Jones, Ph.D. * Joseph Kenan, M.D. * Larry Leatham, Ph.D. * Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D. * Jayne A. Major, Ph.D. * Andrew McGarity, Ph.D.Richard Ofshe, Ph.D. (N) * Randy Rand, Ed.D. * Makram Samaan, Ph.D. (more)Donald K. Smith, Ph.D (more) * Philip M. Stahl, Ph.D. * John Spencer Stone, Ph.D. * Matthew Sullivan, Ph.D. * Richard J. Swank, Ph.D. *

(I should send in my “Philip M. Stahl” info, most of which can simply be filed under AFCC/PAS….)

If this image doesn’t show, be sure to read the information.  It is a complaint asking to prevent the (2010) renewal of Dr. Samaan’s license, and at first glance, it’s going to talk about business incorporation and financial misdeeds, moreso than psychological misdeeds:


This complaint was not, it appears, brought by an irate mother or father, but from the Board of Psychology.

10. “Respondent is the Manager/President of Innovative Enterprises International, LLC an investment business.   ON October 22, 2004, (IEI) filed with the Nevada Secretary of state listing 3 managers, including REspondent.  Respondent is a self-claimed Positive Psychologist/Consultant/Transformational Success Coach.

11.  Respondent practices psychology but also engages in financail services oncentraining on reverse pension plans.  According to him, it works like a derivative, small amounts of money paid become large amounts and it is sold.  Respondent maintains he will put the initial fees in his patients’ names, $40, and then it becomes $75,000 in a year unless the time is extended.  {{mental note:  Respondent deals with very gullible, or vulnerable, patients!}}  When individuals, including patients, discuss financial dificulties, Respondent will tell them of the reverse pension plans or other investments.

(sounds like he is “farming” the patient contacts  for other business…)  There it is:

Entity Name  NV Business ID  Status  Type
INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL, LLC NV20041251989 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company





Business Entity Information
Status:  Revoked File Date:  10/22/2004
Type:  Domestic Limited-Liability Company Entity Number:  LLC24941-2004
Qualifying State:  NV List of Officers Due:  10/31/2009
Managed By:  Managing Members Expiration Date:  10/22/2504
NV Business ID:  NV20041251989 Business License Exp:

 Registered Agent Information
Address 2: City:  RENO
State:  NV Zip Code:  89502
Phone: Fax:
Mailing Address 1: Mailing Address 2:
Mailing City: Mailing State:
Mailing Zip Code:
Agent Type:  Noncommercial Registered Agent
View all business entities under this registered agent

 Financial Information
No Par Share Count:  0 Capital Amount:  $ 0
No stock records found for this company

 Officers Include Inactive Officers
 Manager – MARY SAMAAN
Address 1:  3155 E PATRICK LANE STE 1 Address 2:
City:  LAS VEGAS State:  NV
Zip Code:  891203481 Country:
Status:  Active Email:
Address 1:  3155 E PATRICK LANE STE 1 Address 2:
City:  LAS VEGAS State:  NV
Zip Code:  891203481 Country:
Status:  Active Email:
Address 1:  3155 E PATRICK LANE STE 1 Address 2:
City:  LAS VEGAS State:  NV
Zip Code:  891203481 Country:
Status:  Active Email:


See why I told us to pay attention to Recorded Deeds (which includes trusts, real estate, etc.) in the family law arena?

Frequent registered agent process, and one of the changes (in 2008) is for some reason 222 pages long document:

Action Type:  Registered Agent Change
Document Number:  20090291472-56 # of Pages:  1
File Date:  3/23/2009 Effective Date:
(No notes for this action)
Action Type:  Registered Agent Change
Document Number:  20060677123-54 # of Pages:  1
File Date:  10/23/2006 Effective Date:
(No notes for this action)
Action Type:  Registered Agent Address Change
Document Number:  20080296150-43 # of Pages:  222
File Date:  4/29/2008 Effective Date:
(No notes for this action)
Action Type:

Also, when I complained (yesterday) about how California lacks a means to sort incorporations by “registered agent” — look what happens in Nevada when I click on who registered INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL:

Business entities under registered agent “AMERICAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, LLC”

1 – 50 of 71 companies

 Entity Name  NV Business ID  Status  Type
A. RICH, LLC. NV20061377546 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
AAHSOME AUTO SALES, LLC NV20071003996 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
AMERICAN KARMA CLOTHING, LLC NV20061784490 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
AQUASITION CAPITAL, INC. NV20061649761 Revoked Domestic Corporation
BALANCE MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISES, LTD. NV20061782745 Revoked Domestic Corporation
BATTLE BORN HOLDINGS, LLC NV20071317878 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
BELAIR BROTHERS & ASSOCIATES, LLC NV20071317850 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
BLACK SAND DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED NV20071598477 Revoked Domestic Corporation
CAPITAL LIFE GROUP, LLC NV20071519571 Default Domestic Limited-Liability Company
CLEVERLEY TECHNOLOGY, INC. NV20061123037 Revoked Domestic Corporation
CO-OP DESIGN, INC. NV20061044136 Revoked Domestic Corporation
CROWEPAULO, LLC NV20041293900 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
DBD ENTERPRISES, INC. NV20061051788 Revoked Domestic Corporation
DESIGN WORKS & IMAGING, LLC NV20061783047 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
DHI 10, INC. NV20041601241 Default Domestic Corporation
DNC INVESTMENTS, LLC NV20061509803 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
EAGLE TIRE FACTORY, LLC NV20071317845 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
FEEL YOUNG AGAIN, LLC NV20051401052 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
FOOKEY INVESTMENT CORPORATION NV20061098298 Revoked Domestic Corporation
FOUR BROTHERS DEVELOPMENT INCORPORATED NV20071317866 Revoked Domestic Corporation
FOUR WINDS RANCH, LLC NV20071592151 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
GOLDEN VISION PROPERTY INVESTMENTS L.L.C. NV20091180229 Default Domestic Limited-Liability Company
GRANITE BAY CARRIAGE COMPANY, LTD. NV20071592146 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
HEYOKA HOLDINGS, LTD. NV20071592421 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
ILICANO GROUP, LLC NV20071591712 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISES INTERNATIONAL, LLC NV20041251989 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
JLG TRANSPORTATION, LTD. NV20071592133 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
K & K TRANSPORT, INC. NV20081429625 Revoked Domestic Corporation
K&L FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC NV20041269309 Active Domestic Limited-Liability Company
KAMINA & ASSOCIATES, LLC NV20071591731 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
LAST MINUTE TICKETS, INC. NV20081094605 Revoked Domestic Corporation
LIFE MOBILE SOLUTIONS, LLC NV20071504731 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
LIMARC, LTD. NV20041444573 Revoked Domestic Corporation
LINKLITE, LLC NV20041246348 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
MARCELLA QUEZADA, PC NV20041679787 Revoked Domestic Professional Corporation
MARISKAS, INC. NV20061116541 Revoked Domestic Corporation
MATLEY PLAZA, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NV19931015837 Cancelled Domestic Limited Partnership
MD TRANSPORTATION & CHARTER INC. NV20061633937 Revoked Domestic Corporation
MICHAEL’S TRANSPORT, INC. NV20061054417 Revoked Domestic Corporation
MICROTEK COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, LLC NV20071598483 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
MIXMASALA LLC NV20061418943 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
NATIONAL ACCOUNTING PAYROLL & TAX SERVICES, INC. NV20071512569 Revoked Domestic Corporation
NORTH WESTERN MANAGEMENT GROUP, LTD. NV20071003983 Revoked Domestic Corporation
O.T., LLC NV20041156827 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
ONE WAY CAPITAL, INC. NV20081216525 Revoked Domestic Corporation
ORIS GROUP CORPORATION NV20091341755 Active Domestic Corporation
PARTNERS & PADS, INC. NV20041453168 Revoked Domestic Corporation
PENALTY SHOT INCORPORATED NV20061269290 Revoked Domestic Corporation
PONDEROSA EQUESTRIAN ESTATES, LLC NV20071611728 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company

and page 2:

Entity Name  NV Business ID  Status  Type
PURE BAMBOO, LLC NV20061337710 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
RMEG, LLC NV20061649742 Active Domestic Limited-Liability Company
ROBERT MCMANUS, INC. NV20061225768 Default Domestic Corporation
SEAMLESS TECHNOLOGY, INC. NV19981294486 Active Domestic Corporation
SENMONT, INC. NV20061370390 Revoked Domestic Corporation
SIERRA SANDPOINT CONSULTING & ASSOCIATES, LTD. NV20061783236 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
SOCCER NATION, LLC NV20061338229 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
STAGE RIGHT LAS VEGAS , LLC NV20071664506 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
STATUS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC. NV20101630585 Active Domestic Corporation
STELLAR CREATIONS, LLC NV20061155230 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
STORM TRADING GROUP NV20041518884 Revoked Domestic Corporation
STRATEGIC GAMING ADVISORS, LLC NV20101122895 Dissolved Domestic Limited-Liability Company
TANGIN INC NV20051108649 Revoked Domestic Close Corporation
TEAM DYNAMIC, LLC NV20051368208 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
THE GLOBAL TRADING HOUSE, INC. NV20071375117 Revoked Domestic Corporation
THE ROE CORP NV20101673199 Active Domestic Corporation
TSALAGI MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED NV20071582313 Revoked Domestic Corporation
TUNDRA GHOST INCORPORATED NV20071584687 Revoked Domestic Corporation
U. S. MARKET DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NV19971097576 Revoked Domestic Corporation
UNIQUE DOLLAR, INC. NV20071119596 Revoked Domestic Corporation
WBA ENTERPRISES, LLC NV20051155574 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
1 2

6 out of 71 are still standing.  At a minimum, this certainly reflects on the judgment of this court-connected positive psychologist and his licensed marriage therapist wife.

The incorporation mill is itself, apparently still standing, though, along with QUITE a few others at the same street address:

American Business Development

Well, sort of, according to nevada Secretary of State:

Entity Name  NV Business ID  Status  Type
AMERICAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, LLC NV20031099367 Revoked Domestic Limited-Liability Company
AMERICAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NV19971122392 Permanently Revoked Domestic Corporation
NORTH AMERICAN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, INC. NV19981205167 Permanently Revoked Domestic Corporation


Based on my California search of Samaan — which showed a single LLP shared with Barzin Barry Sabahak (shown above in brown tone chart) — I decided to just look up the same last name — Sabahak — in Nevada. With different first names, it pulls up there corporations, all of which are “revoked” status and some which show a California address:

Officer Name  Officer Type  Entity Name


One address of which was ERAN ENGINEERING in Tustin (not far from Los Angeles)







ANYHOW, back to LizNotes:


Good Grief — the “patrick lane” address for the Samaan Living Trust (see above) shows up under “Web of Deception” with Dionne Warwick as president (of . . . .


Type: Domestic Corporation

Status: Default

Status Date: 12/1/2007

Filing Date: 11/10/1983

I gather this is talking about looking up IRS tax liens:  Among the many addresses is the same one:

Dionne Warwick: Examine the history of federal
and state tax liens into the millions including a
$6,879,065 Internal Revenue tax lien filed on 
New Years Eve, 2009

Officers, Directors:


And corporation wiki also lists this (from what my layperson self can tell) as another incorporation mill, i.e., “Corporations at this address” (will take a while to count)

By the way, this may be an appropriate time to mention that, along with sometimes falsifying billings for Medi-Cal and Child Support, some of us have also found fraudulent registration of (family court litigants) names — without their knowledge — on real estate transactions.  Or, for example, continued use of an SS# once it’s in the system, a form of identity theft; and this may be in or out of one’s own jurisdiction (case in point).

By the way, here’s another example of why I want the psychologists OUT of the family law business (psychodiagnostics.com — found at this address also)


BACK TO the LIZ LIBRARY’s posting of a hearing on Dr. Makram Samaan’s APA license renewal.

12.  Respondent provided counseling to C.M., the adult son of (I’ll omit the periods from here on) SF.  In therapy Respondent learned that CM’s father in law PF had received a settlement from the Veteran’s Administration….used this knowledge to provide therapy to CM’s mother (SF) and father (PF).  (I hate almost to transcribe parts for this).

SF (the mother in her 50s) had a workers’ compensation claim from an injury by a heavy shelf.

PF, the father in law of the original contact (patient CM) was a Viet Nam vet, dealing with PTSD, and legally blind…..

“During his counseling sessions (with these two) while ostensibly providing psychotherapy, respondent would talk about himself during most of the session, take phone calls from his broker, and buy and sell homes.  Respondent disclosed a lot of personal information about himself, (e.g. about his life in Egypt, travels, how he saved people, his job at the university, how his students loved him, how he stood up to the administration (see above!), that he knew important people, that he owned two yachts.)”

“Paragraph 16.   SF had a workers’ compensation case, which REspondent took over, had her sign a lien, and referred her to several doctors, including his son who is an attorney.” . . . signing promissory notes, advising them to put their money in offshore bank accounts as US bank accounts are unstable (true, they are, but still . . .. )


(Would that be the famous “Nabil Samaan” whose quote it’s hoped will get him disbarred, but which won’t?)

Do you have a sick feeling in your gut about this yet?    Next, he gets PF off his meds without consulting his medical history, and then involved in the reverse pension plan pay-out schemes.  In other words the man can smell money and knows how to get his hands on it, regardless of which vulnerabilities are in the people who are the gateway to this money.

There are SEVEN causes of complaint, and the executive officer of the Board of Psychology, signing this (per LizLibrary, which image shows the signature) on March 24, 2010, asks that Dr Samaan’s license be revoked.

During the timeframe of the investigation, one of his sons got married and divorced, and into a custody battle.  To tell the truth, I wouldn’t believe anything this grandfather says about his son, either one, the courts, or in fact, anything.  Let’s wait and see what the mother’s side has to say.  Meanwhile, he was taking family law cases in Sacramento still?    Complaints about the improper billing process date back to the 1980s, for pete’s sake!

In the “more” section (on the same Dr. / psychologist / grandfather), Liz Library — and just to note, Liz Kates if a family  law attorney in Florida, that does this site) is going to talk about the Marcia Fay / Moni Samaan case and this murder/suicide.  Thank you Liz Kates, for your work in posting so much of this information (but a strong thank you also to the other Liz Richards, in Virginia, who exposed the financial dealings between certain court-associated nonprofits, and tied them into the HHS fathers’ rights grants system.  Moreover, we are now also beginning to see the involvement (significant) of property transfer, and the importance of checking the county recorder of deeds for names of court professionals and/or litigants.  Who knows yours may be on there…without your knowledge..



Completely misleading media

Video: California Attorney says murder is okay

(apparently this post is from Bonnie Russell, in San Diego — dated to August 16)

The murder of Madeline Samaan-Fay by her father

Bonnie Russell's photo

, San Diego Public Policy Examiner

August 16, 201

Continue reading on Examiner.com The murder of Madeline Samaan-Fay by her father – San Diego Public Policy | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/public-policy-in-san-diego/the-murder-of-madeline-samaan-fay-by-her-father#ixzz1XDlvF1rP

Two hours ago Frank Doughtery of Divorcespecialists who represents Marcia Fay in her child custody battle turned murder-suicide, returned our call.  Doughtery informed us media initially got reports of Madeline Samaa-Fay’s murder completely wrong…in part because it was the weekend which prohibited court records from being checked.

However, it was clear media was deliberately misled by California attorney Nabil Samaan.

Brother of the killer.

Doughtery reported on August 6, 2011 the now dead Mourad “Moni” Samaan was served by mail with a Contempt order after earlier taking Madeline to Oregon on her mother’s time.  Sacramento County Family Court Judge James Mize had denied Marcia Fay’s request for supervised visitation. The confusion was due in part because Doughtery filed additional requests when the child was not returned on Friday.  However by that time both Madeline and the father who killed her were both dead.


This was Marcia Fay’s custody attorney:  note the primary interest of psychology:

Frank E. Dougherty, J.D., Ph.D., A.B.P.P. (diplomate in forensic psychology) is a certified family law specialist with a 30+ year background as a psychologist, before switching to a law practice in 1995. He presently practices law in the Sacramento Valley region in the areas of family law, juvenile dependency law, guardianships and writs & appeals. Previously, he has worked as a custody evaluator, clinical researcher, a Chief Psychologist in Upstate New York, a practicing neuropsychologist, a professor of Psychology at several universities, a Local Director of Mental Health in El Dorado County, a CEO of a corporation conducting psychological evaluations for California Department of Mental Health, a law clerk to Justice Levinson in the Hawaii Supreme Court, and a lecturer on law and mental health issues to various legal and professional groups. 

How did Ms. Fay choose this attorney?  Because he was in Sacramento?   

Judge Mize (also track the link above, to LizLibrary and/or Bonnie Russell site) had a major interest in psychology, and social welfare, then later (1974) got his law degree, intending to be of most help to society by social welfare policy change.  Women’s Lawyer Service awarded him, California Judges Association awarded him, and I note involvement in Volunteer Legal Services of Northern California.


Here is Mary Samaan’s blog.  I am sorry to be so harsh in these comments, but I feel it’s time to be a little harsh when it comes to tolerating, for example, continued fraud.  ALSO, I do not know for sure that this is the same, i.d., Dr. Makram’s wife, but it would seem so:





Marriage, Family and Child Therapy

Submitted by msamaan on Fri, 07/31/2009 – 14:00

Some time ago, I wrote an open letter to pastors in the Sacramento area.   I want to share that letter with you because I think it best describes my services and my methods.

Dear Pastor,

I am a Marriage, Family and Child Therapist, licensed by the State of California (MFT License 6381), with a Master of Science degree in Counseling.  I have provided counseling to individuals and families since 1974.  I have been a part-time instructor of Psychology at American River College for 30 years.

I strongly believe in the importance of affirming Christian marriage and family values.  As a wife and mother of three adult children and grandmother of two, I have deep empathy and understanding of the many challenges that families face today.

Thanks to your son — make that grandmother of  ONE less.– 

I believe that a Christian family that shares love, intimacy and positive communication, is an important foundation for both church and community.  As a Christian, family-oriented therapist, I am commited to helping families in crisis.  I have extensive experience and skills in group therapy, stress management, pre-marital and couples therapy.

In addition to working with couples and families, I provide pre-marital counseling to couples utilizingInventories for Premarital Counseling (Couple and Family Map, [Prepare/Enrich], by David Olson of the University of Minnesota).

What is “Christian Counseling”?

Submitted by msamaan on Fri, 05/29/2009 – 14:50

In California, a licensed counseling professional is prohibited by California law to claim to be a Christian counselor.   While there is no question that psychologists ascribe to some form of personal belief system including a belief in a greater being or power or God, that belief system is supposed to remain separate from the professional practice.

There have been volumes of books written on the subject of “Christian counseling”.   The distinction can be made, however, that while a psychologist may be a Christian in their own personal belief, the State doesn’t recognize any religion or theology to be part of the licensing requirement.

It can, therefore, be somewhat of a frustration for the seeker of counseling services to find a family or marriage counselor practicing their faith in their professional practice.  Many times, it becomes a matter of calling several phone numbers and awaiting return phone calls before a determination can be made as to whether or not a pschologist offers counseling from a Christian perspective.


This among other reasons is why I am no longer a churchgoer.

About Mary

For nearly 30 years, Mary Samaan has been in private practice as aLicensed Marriage and Family Therapist.  After earning her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from theUniversity of Cairo, Mary came to the United States where she continued her graduate work at the University of Minnesota and earning her Master of Science in Counseling atCalifornia State University Sacramento.  Mary is licensed by the California State Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Mary also recieved multiple certifications including Certified Sex Therapist from UCSF Medical School and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist from the San Francisco Academy of Hypnosis.

Reader Alert:  “Faith comment”

I’m at a loss, although this is a theological point, not a family law one, how a confessing Christian could also validate and practice hypnosis.  The name even comes from the word to put GNOSIS “under” — i.e., put someone out.  There are times in the Bible where it’s spoken of a prophet, or, for example, the apostle Peter, falling into a trance (during mediation).  At ZERO point in the Bible is it recommended to have someone other than God put you under, or to show up for the process.  This comes under consulting familiar spirits, and the classic example usually given is King Saul, after the spirit of the Lord had left him, and he went consulting to the witch of Endor, who brought up a vision of the (deceased) prophet Samuel from the dead.  A little (very little) while later, and Saul committed suicide, and come to think of it, his son Jonathan (a good son) died with him, too.

While there’s been all kinds of schisms and doctrines around “Gnostics,” the fact is in the Greek Bible the word “gnosis” and “epignosis” — of God and the Lord Jesus Christ — are valued as very good.  Since I’m off topic in that one, anyone can check things on-line there are plenty of interlinears on line these days, or word studies.    But I suppose if the minds are turned off in church, (pariticularly around issues of DV and child molestation) it’s no big deal if they are also officially put under by a pastor-endorsed Christian therapist schooled in hypnosis.  

It’s a matter of WHO is put in control, spiritually, psychologically or otherwise.  I point to an account of the Susan Polk murder trial (Northern California); it’s commonly known that she married her therapists and had 3 children by him.  She also described him, as her husband, as being excessively controlling, BUT also as having been solicited for a psychiatric experiment (Berkeley) along with other students, and then eventually (later) claimed that part of how the sex -during-therapy — as a minor — was induced with her husband includes hypnosis and/or possible drugging.   

The Bible holds men (and women) accountable for what they do with their minds:  Romans 12:  “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds.”  There is no indication to go to a professional and have these minds re-set while unconscious for the purposes of deliverance from excessive addictions and other things that control one against one’s own will.  Scripturally, those are called devil spirits, and the command (for followers) is to throw ’em out in the name of Jesus Christ.

“End of Reader Alert Faith Comment:”

But of course that wouldn’t be good for business, Christian or otherwise.

Mary specializes in treating individuals, couples and families concerning issues with addictive behaviors such as drug, alchohol and smoking dependencies, eating disorders, sexual and emotional abuse, anxiety disorders, stress and depression.

Since 1976, Mary has been teaching psychology atAmerican River Collegein Sacramento.

Several Sacramento area churches recommend and refer to Mary for marriage and pre-marital counseling. 

I use her for all my premarital counseling and regularly recommend people to her.  She not only offers very qualified counsel, but does it with compassion”, says Pastor Ted Smith of First Covenant Church of Sacramento.

You are forewarned.

And a good Christian woman will never “out” her husband because it would break up the family?


And her husband’s practice falsely billed, saying he performed services when she did them (unlicensed).  Their Nevada Corporation, “Innovative Enterprises International, LLC” held in three officer’s names:  his, hers, and a living trust, with the registered agent being an incorporation mill, which MOST of its (71 Nevada) corporations had business status revoked, terminated, cancelled, etc. (that’s even a high % for this field of family law, which as we’ve been seeing has lots of nonprofits lose their business status, only to replaced by newer ones with different names).   The address of the incorporation mill shows countless incorporations.

Moreover her husband Dr. Makram (if he’s still one) is apparently a liar, a crook, and exploits vulnerable, injured patients financially, by Psychological Board standards, which aren’t exactly the highest in the neighborhood!



I am wondering if the marriage prep tools being used here are courtesy some 93.086 type grants, i.e. marriage/fatherhood:



Do you use

the Best Tools

for relationship assessment?

PREPARE/ENRICH is the leading relationship inventory and couples assessment tool. Scientifically validated as a foundational program for premarital counseling, marriage enrichment, couples therapy, marriage mentoring and marriage education. PREPARE/ENRICH automatically tailors the content of the relationship assessment to fit each couple’s unique relationship stage and family structure. Learn more or get trained!


Does this sound familiar, if you’ve been around my blog much?

PREPARE/ENRICH began in 1980 as a result of several research projects at the University of Minnesota in which Dr. David Olson developed a set of inventories for couples; known as PREPARE/ENRICH. Because of the demand for inventories David and Karen Olson formed PREPARE/ENRICH (Life Innovations, Inc.) to provide these helpful tools for counselors, clergy members, mentors and other marriage educators.


About the Founders

David H. Olson  Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Life Innovations, Inc. Professor Emeritus, Family Social Science, University of Minnesota where he taught for over 25 years.

Karen Olson,  CFO and manager for over 25 years, as well as Director of Marketing and Outreach for Life Innovations, Inc.






David and Karen Olson


(obviously layout on their page is going to be in the right sequence; mine isn’t).

Notice — she has 25 years of experience, but doesn’t merit a “vita” on the site:

Mr. Olson is past president of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). He is a Fellow in the American Association of Marital and Family Therapy (AAMFT), American Psychological Association (APA) and NCFR.


You know I’m going to look it up.  Seems MN has only one search field” entity name” (if there’s another source, let me know, please!) and they show:

Filing Number: 5I-719 Entity Type: Domestic Corporation
Original Date of Filing: 9/17/1986 Entity Status: Active
Chapter: 302A Good Standing:
(date of last annual filing)
Duration: Perpetual
Registered Office Address: 2660 Arthur Str
Roseville, MN, 55113
Agent Name: No Agent Filed



Churches / Christians are so eager to get into the counseling and marriage promotion field, where they are already.  Internet organization plus faith-based grants sure must help, here’s a Center for Relationship Education recommending the same Marriage Prep tools it’s too bad if the Samaan’s daughter in law and son didn’t use (having met each other over the internet and decided to marry in their 40s).  Or did they take it?


(Dr. Olson is on the board of this “CRE” (Center for Relationship Education) which happens to be located on John Brown University in ARkansas).

Their “Church Initiatives” page says:

The vision of CRE is to help people be conformed to the image of the Lord. In other words, the end in mind is Christ-centered relationships. Romans 8:29 states, “ For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.”

If our vision is Christ-centered relationships, CRE’s mission then is to educate, enrich, and equip “equippers” to live this out and to influence the relationships of others. This is based on the instruction given in 2 Timothy 2:2, “the things which you have heard from me…entrust to faithful men and women who will be able to teach others also.” We call this rippling effect “multiplication.” It is the essence of the great commission: “Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 18-20).


That’s a misquote of 2 Timothy 2:2 which absolutely does not say “men and women,” in fact quite a point is often made in Christian circles that women should NOT be teaching, certainly not in public and if then, not to men.  They’ll quote Paul up and Timothy back to make this point.   I don’t happen to agree, but the point is that the religious ones here aren’t even quoting their own scripture right.

The other point being that evangelism and multi-level marketing (and marriage promotion with federal grants helping) go hand in hand just fine.

This link  http://liferelationships.com/resources/links.asp includes all time “egalitarian” sites such as:

Focus on the Family

National Center for Fathering

Promise Keepers

Family First (which leads to:

amily First Programs and Projects

All Pro Dad

All Pro Dad is Family First’s innovative program helping men to be better fathers. All Pro Dad’s 50 NFL spokesmen, multiple NFL seminars, 850 All Pro Dad’s Days, and Play of the Day daily emails that reach almost 40,000 fathers each day, all inspire and equip fathers to be actively involved in their children’s lives. And every month, over 100,000 fathers log onto AllProDad.com to benefit from insightful fatherhood resources.


Dr. Olson (who wrote the tools Dr. Mary Samaan recommends in her practice in California) cites NCFR __ National Council on Family Relations in his bio.

Just for a little perspective of “speed of nonprofit duplication” — check out this list from NCCSDataweb.org, including the fact that only TWO show any 990s filed!

Are these all religious, and hence don’t have to file, or what?


Most Recent Tax Period EIN Name State Rule Date IRS Sub- section Total Revenue Total Assets 990 Image
2009  410762436 National Council on Family Relations MN 1974 03 1,739,652 2,582,298 990
2010  043625577 National Council on Family Relations Louisiana Tech University LA 1974 03 0 0
2010  050553534 National Council on Family Relations Messiah College PA 1974 03 0 0
2010  061741075 National Council on Family Relations Stout Council on Family Relations WI 1974 03 0 0
2009  232089650 National Council on Family Relations Mid-Atlantic Council on Family Real PA 1904 03 0 0
2010  237355125 National Council on Family Relations Ohio Council on Family Relations OH 1974 03 0 0
2010  260066214 National Council on Family Relations Mid-Atlantic Council on Family Rela PA 1974 03 0 0
2009  260104400 National Council on Family Relations Samford University AL 1974 03 0 0
2010  320055568 National Council on Family Relations University of Illinois Student Cfr IL 1974 03 0 0
2009  352217165 National Council on Family Relations Family Relations Council at Central MI 1974 03 0 0
2010  363873610 National Council on Family Relations Northwest Council on Family Relatio WA 1974 03 0 0
2009  392054370 National Council on Family Relations Tech Council on Family Relations TX 1974 03 0 0
2010  410977220 National Council on Family Relations Minnesota Council on Family Relatio MN 1974 03 0 0 990
2008  412081426 National Council on Family Relations Minnesota University Student Cfr MN 1974 03 0 0
2009  421572588 National Council on Family Relations North Texas University TX 1974 03 0 0
2010  460473514 National Council on Family Relations University of MO Student Cncl MO 1974 03 0 0
2010  510221166 National Council on Family Relations Texas Council on Family Relations TX 1974 03 0 0
2010  510233795 National Council on Family Relations California Council on Family Relati CA 1904 03 0 0
2010  562317344 National Council on Family Relations University of Maryland MD 1974 03 0 0
2010  593767954 National Council of Family Relations Towson University MD 1974 03 0 0
2010  870391978 National Council on Family Relations Utah Council on Family Relations UT 1904 03 0 0
2007  880458835 National Council on Family Relations Louisiana Tech University Student C LA 1974 03 0 0
2010  930753502 National Council on Family Relations Illinois Council on Family Relation IL 1974 03 0 0
2010  930825864 National Council on Family Relations Oklahoma Council on Family Relation OK 1904 03 0 0
 300644557 National Council on Family Relations Weber State Univ Student Council UT 1974 03 0 0
 900722656 National Council on Family Relations Jacks Council on Family Relations MN 1974 03 0 0
 900730521 National Council on Family Relations Bowling Green State University Stud MN 1974 03 0 0
 900730621 National Council on Family Relations Southern Council MN 1974 03 0 0
 900730625 National Council on Family Relations University of Central Oklahoma Stud MN 1974 03 0 0
 900730631 National Council on Family Relations University of Wisconsin Stevens MN 1974 03 0 0
 900730635 National Council on Family Relations Utah Valley University Student MN 1974 03 0 0
 900730638 National Council on Family Relations Wisconsin Council on Family Relatio MN 1974 03 0 0

A service of the National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute
IRS Form 990 images provided by The Foundation Center


Notice the University Proclivity…

As I keep saying, the highest- profit-margin field to be in, EVER, is information dissemination.  You’re in it:



Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

September 6, 2011 at 7:42 pm

5 Responses

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  1. After spending most of yesterday on the last two posts, and processing some of the information (esp. re the paternal grandparents) I don’t want to spend a lot more on it. However, being curious about who was the mother’s defense attorney, I googled the name.

    This is an interesting article from “The Sacramento Lawyer,” by an attorney at a larger firm who has a family law unit (including Mr. Doughtery, if I’m spelling that right). The text shows no date, but the url reads August 2002 She talks about how in law school, family law is not pushed, but more corporate; and differences in billing practices. Interesting reading:

    “Family Law Practitioner Thrives At Large Firm
    By Veronica Jordan

    A quick glance through the Yellow Pages will confirm what you probably already knew; most of the listed divorce and family law attorneys are solo practioners. By tradition, medium to large-size firms don’t offer family law specialists to their clients. At all but a handful of these firms, clients looking for a divorce are told to seek help elsewhere.

    One of the exceptions is Sacramento’s Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer LLP. Better known for its business, civil litigation and natural resources departments, Downey Brand also houses a family law practice group with five attorneys, headed up by Mary J. Martinelli, a partner in the firm.

    “Traditionally, law schools have focused on turning out corporate or litigation or public service lawyers – most schools don’t support family law as a viable option,” Martinelli said, to explain why established firms don’t think of family law when setting up a specialty area of practice. “Because it’s not focused on in school, being a family law attorney is not considered the thing you want to be when you get out. The academicians don’t focus on it, and the best students at the best schools don’t choose it, and those are the people the firms want to hire.”

    “But the other reason” family law isn’t commonly practiced at large firms is that the specialty is “a square peg in a round hole at a law firm,” Martinelli said. While family law specialists can charge higher hourly rates than the general average rate at a firm, it has a different sort of billing challenge – clients often have never hired an attorney before and they aren’t accustomed to billing practices in the way that a corporate client would be. “If you’re working on a big litigation case, it’s easy to capture your billable hours with an institutional client. In family law, you’re really not going to be able to bill all the time you work on a case.”

    Another challenge to doing family law well is the need for a large amount of support staff – a challenge Downey Brand has met, Martinelli said, and that’s the same reason why she believes a divorce-seeker with mid-range to high end assets should come to her firm – they’ve got more staff. “Solo offices have difficulty putting out the level of product that we can because they don’t have the staff or the support, or the wide range of experts we have here,” Martinelli said.

    “We are really blessed at Downey Brand with having the paralegals and secretaries and attorneys with different hourly rates that enables us to provide a good product at affordable prices for a wide range of clients.” Martinelli credits her firm’s managing partner, Stephen J. Meyer, with letting her set up her department in an experimental way. “He’s been a real visionary when it comes to letting us build this practice, and flexible about meeting our needs so that the our department can grow.”

    Martinelli came to Downey Brand three and a half years ago, bringing with her one associate from her old firm of Diepenbrock Wulff, Plant & Hannegan LLP. She now has four attorneys total who work with her: Maria E.Valdez, who specializes in custody and property division; Frank E. Dougherty, a former mediator and psychologist who focuses on juvenile dependency, custody and appellate work; John P. O’Malley, who works primarily on property division; and Suzanne M. Randol, who does juvenile dependency and property.

    For Downey Brand, family law has been a non-traditional revenue source, attracting clients who otherwise probably wouldn’t have a reason to go there. But whether or not they considered it when deciding to go with a big firm, these new clients gain an added bonus: access to a larger menu of specialists than what they probably would get if they went to a solo practitioner.

    “In family law, you have to be a jack of all trades,” Martinelli said. “It’s really challenging to be up on all of the many areas of law that even one client can present – tax, estate planning, ERISA problems. We have cases where we have to draft security agreements, stock redemption agreements – because I eat lunch with people who practice in these areas, or I see them in the hallways, they’re there to consult. Many people come from other practices in town and hire us to do that work for them in their family law cases.”

    Martinelli herself did not originally choose family law. She fell into it her second year out of law school when a partner at the Fresno firm she worked at developed serious health problems and she inherited his practice, which had a family law component. She moved to Sacramento when her husband was transferred here, and she’s glad she did. “The family court judges in Sacramento are tremendous – they write very sophisticated, carefully reasoned opinions, rather than making sweeping, emotion-based decisions.”

    There are some who would disagree, but anyhow for what it’s worth: …..


    September 7, 2011 at 7:40 am

  2. Madeline was a spirited, beautiful, charming child. Marci Fay is an exceptional woman and mother. Nothing more needs to be said.


    August 19, 2013 at 2:44 pm

  3. Dear “M”

    I don’t know how Marci Fay can keep going in this context. I am also a mother — and both my children are still alive, but loss of contact with them overnight, under false bases — and I also was subjected to the, “it’s just their father, not a real emergency” (not a real child-stealing) routine. This is years after my event, and it’s a game-changer and a life-changer

    I realize this is also close to the two-year “anniversary” of this horrible event. I am blogging other things and not dwelling on this one — however, that was an avoidable situation. It didn’t have to happen. And if these things are doing to STOP happening, the reporting with the goal of finding cause & effect relationships cannot stop. I am only one person, and am doing what I can to fill in some coverage gaps on the entities that make decisions like this — including delaying enforcement of an abduction, or doing anger classes instead of firm measures to prevent harm to the child. As Marci is an attorney, she surely must have been aware of previous cases where restraining orders meant nothing (Castle-Rock vs. Gonzales is just one); now she knows even moreso.

    Unfortunately for Madeline and Marci — who was I gather working very near the top of the justice system, and whose in-laws had some connections to the family law system also, it seems — these situations are continuing, and unless people expose and report on them, even if it’s other people, not the relatives — no one understands how it happens and how to stop it.

    So I cannot agree with “nothing more needs to be said,” but I can acknowledge (though I don’t know who you are) that there has a horrible loss, and that this loss might not have happened if there weren’t a difference in Amber Alerts or police response between stranger-abduction, and parental-abduction, although both are illegal. The heart of the treating a crime as a non-crime is also the heart of the family law system, and its conciliation courts which I report on — because they are getting people, including children, killed. They have a history; they were created from “nothing” and because they were a creation, they can be dis-assembled which in my opinion, they ought to be.

    I am not the only person who felt this case was significant. It’s probably NOT a typical family law case, but it tells the public that not even mothers close to the attorney-general’s office are safe; welcome to the crowd — in this venue, your gender does matter. Also, clearly someone is not making good choices of who to have babies with or become involved with. The lookups I did above (most coverage of this did not), could’ve been done by Marci before becoming involved; it’s with the man’s parents, and that makes a difference.

    As to families — families can be a tremendous force for good, for the family members, when they are cohesive enough to provide support (to the members) but not so closed-off and tight-knit that they cover up violence. I have spoken to enough mothers in trouble now whose own mothers FAILED to protect them from sexual abuse by their Dads to actually leave the guy (a tough decision in any generation, but probably moreso in earlier decades of the 1900s). These mothers often quickly got into other abusive relationships in order to ESCAPE the abuse at home, as they had no other real legitimate way to survive.

    I am the product of a family who had it together materially, but evidently had some pretty deep secrets, as right now — the same family towards the end of our (mutual) lives, are stuck in the same dysfunctional mode. In hindsight, I attribute some of this to the fact that in our case, there was one wage-earner, and though it was a good one, that family was stuck together only for the “business” purpose of supporting “Dad’s” career and getting kids to college. Once this was done, or half-done, it was dissolved. Now, two or so generations later, I am stuck in cleanup mode as a mother, directly from jealousy and attacks from siblings who, like our original family DECADES earlier, when both the United States itself and marriage laws (i.e., pre-1970s) and as a consequence, women’s options, were quite different.

    In these sorts of families, anyone who “reports” on crimes by other family members — and there are crimes in this one — is targeted for scapegoating and destructions, which to me states that the family knows it’s guilty, and is actively engaged in trying to transfer that guilt to an innocent party for “purging” themselves. Essentially, it’s a constellation of the worst of human motives: pride, jealousy, greed, denial, hate, exploitation of the vulnerable, and a whole lot of anger. When a society DOES make or enforce laws, they ought to be AGAINST some of these behaviors, so that society doesn’t destroy itself, especially its young.

    Right now, the “family values” movement has endorsed the worst, not the best, aspects of “family” and put them as an idol to be worshipped, and sacrificed to. It appears that Madeline was sacrificed to this as well.

    There were times when my daughters were “M.I.A” as far as I was concerned I was thinking to go to the Attorney General’s Office seeking some sort of remedy — I literally had no way to get court orders enforced, and as such, no way to protect my own work life, business relationship, physical safety, OR my children’s. Then I learned about the Bill Lockyer/Nadia Davis situation (which is a true disgrace among top leadership). I have little hope of due process, justice, fairness, or any sort of respect for the law among the legal profession or among judges any more. In large part it was the family law sector and the introduction of “behavioral science theory” into them which undermined the concept of there being a definite right and wrong (which the criminal law defines). No-fault divorce (1970) also eradicated the concept of some of these felonies as “fault,” — all factors which create a logistical chaos. In this chaos, profits are being made — and that’s why I look at, by whom, and whose idea was the whole mess, originally?

    Let's Get Honest

    August 21, 2013 at 9:39 am

  4. I knew Moni and the Samaan family well when I was younger. When I knew him, Moni was a kind, compassionate and intelligent person. Always polite, always gracious and not arrogant or quick to anger. Moni was quite different in personality from his younger brother.

    I realize that times and people change, but it is pretty obvious that all involved loved this little girl: Moni, her mother and her grandparents. They are devastated at the loss and the circumstances that ended Madeline’s life. I am deeply saddened that the legal system was unable to create a stable relationship supported by the courts for this little girl or protect her until the situation was more stable.

    Courts can be quick to award custody, quick to snap parties into good or bad roles and slow to make adjustments. They are also slow to recognize that contentious custody situations are inherently bad for children. I so wish that something different had happened. It is a great loss and terrible for the families. I am deeply saddened that Madeline’s light was lost, but I will pray for all involved and hope that others do the same.


    September 22, 2015 at 10:34 am

    • Thank you for your comment. I have not been often on this blog past month and apologize for delay posting comments. I hope you may find some time to review this blog (especially table of contents page). I am not commenting much on the content of your comment (a bit of a tongue-twister, I guess) at this time. From what I recall of this situation (which gripped many’s attention) there was a delay looking for the father and little girl in part because a parent was involved. I have experienced that situation (it didn’t end the same, however). Prayer is definitely appreciated for any people going through such things.

      The Samaans you may know as a very nice family, as I review this 2011 Post (four years old now), apparently in their professional capacity have had significant trouble with honesty, to the point of being thrown out as professor for significant Medi-Cal, looks like false billings. Whatever they may have been or are personally, professionally, taking advantage of vulnerable populations, isn’t nice. There’s a lot on the post I see, but specifically (some of the quote is my comments inbetween — see above to distinguish).

      I hope along with sadness and reflection on what the courts didn’t do, you may also affirm that killing one’s children, however extreme the distress, is wrong, and so is, as to the older generation involved, assuming the charges were correct, their behavior as parents still (to adults, that is) and acting in positions of professional responsibility and authority over people sent them for help, breaking the law is wrong.

      Over the years since this was written (and looking more at the dollars flowing through this system, i.e., the greed factor), I often wonder how many murder/suicides actually happened as reported.

      Madeleine’s mother being highly placed (it seems) in the Attorney General’s Office, if they can’t protect her children, what about the rest of us without such connections?

      An investigation into appellant’s practice developed evidence of three questionable activities.

      First, appellant had submitted billing to Medi-Cal for 119 services which his wife rather than he had performed. Appellant’s wife does not hold a license which qualifies her to render services compensable under the Medi-Cal program and she is not licensed as a Medi-Cal provider. Appellant signed billing forms for these services in which he attested that he had personally performed the services, although he had not done so.

      Medi-Cal Fraud — 119 cases! Lying. Farming out to unlicensed provider, probably knew this was illegal so signed the forms himself.

      Second, an auditor came to the conclusion that appellant had submitted bills to Medi-Cal for work performed at Serene Homes in excess of the number of hours he had been there.

      Again, this is fraud and lying — inflating bills. An “honorable tradition,” followed also by Maximus, Inc., and others, it seems.

      Third, on two different occasions appellant had performed services for Medi-Cal mothers and had submitted billing forms for the mothers and their children, although he had never seen the children.

      On these occasions appellant had submitted separate billing forms for each of the children involved. He had attested that he personally performed psychotherapeutic services for them, and listed his diagnosis of their problems, although he had not seen the children.

      Again, I would categorizing this as LYING. This eminently qualifies him for work in family court services in several jurisdictions, which will maximize billings until and unless caught

      Let's Get Honest

      November 5, 2015 at 9:32 pm

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