Let's Get Honest! Absolutely Uncommon Analysis of Family & Conciliation Courts' Operations, Practices, & History

Identify the Entities, Find the Funding, Talk Sense!

Archive for the ‘Train-the-Trainers Technical Assistance Grantees’ Category

Many of My Sidebar Widgets, Some Mostly Text, Others Mostly Links, Now Live Here [Published July 9, 2019].

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Whether New to You or Just a Helpful Review, Many of My Sidebar Widgets Now Live Here

Post title:  Many of My Sidebar Widgets, Some Mostly Text, Others Mostly Links, Now Live Here! [Published July 9, 2019].. (Case-sensitive short-link ends “-abt“).  Was started June 27.   This post may be revised (as may also be that sidebar) after first published. Current wordcount, almost 12,000 words (incl. those sidebar text widget contents).

Do I need to explain “Widget”?

I say “Widget” because WordPress Admin Dashboard does.  Reviewing this may explain why the post looks the way it does.

This link describes the difference between (<~~cool website) “Widgets” and “Apps” — in reference more to cell phones but still helpful. The word “widget” in general seems to mean a “sort of thingie which can be interchanged with other thingies in our manufacturing or assembly process.”

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Smoking Cessation/Tobacco Control Litigation I See Is By Design Guaranteed, (Like Domestic Violence Prevention and Services) To Continue Incessantly. Meanwhile, a Wide Swath of Northern California Is Smoke-Filled and Lit Up, But Not by Tobacco. (October Local News and Blog Updates)

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Smoking Cessation/Tobacco Control Litigation I See Is By Design Guaranteed, (Like Domestic Violence Prevention and Services) To Continue Incessantly. Meanwhile, a Wide Swath of Northern Cali fornia Is Smoke-Filled and Lit Up, But Not by Tobacco. (October Local News and Blog Updates) (case-sensitive short-link ending “-7Lp”)

Post Technicalities: Tags may be added later. After over a week reviewing and supplementing this post, I’ve decided to “punt” (publish). It MIGHT also be split later, but the sections on exploring national DV networking over the years (from key organizations’ narratives) and “Health as an Asset,” an academy (“ABIS”) globally networking under the “Chatham House Rule” (basically, anonymity)(which brings the topic to the RIIA / Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and its historic intentions, as expressed in its founding documents) towards the bottom, which has a sequel, actually belong together. And this still IS “Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” for what that’s worth, in the USA..so I took a closer look at how certain organizations like to collaborate for a unified voice, and consequences of that collaboration, down the road a few decades….//LGH, Oct. 20, 2017

Or, you could call this “October Local & Posts-in-the-Pipeline Update” which is how it started out, attached to another post started earlier I’d hoped to publish with just a brief update.

As my About Holidays / Personal Backdrop” (posted Oct. 10)** says, I took a brief, about half-month, pause while handling (different kind of writing required) personal things and am now catching up on some of the posts already in the “pipeline” referencing, basically and most recently the themes of (a) Big Tobacco Litigation/Smoking Cessation Control (Public policy) Efforts and (b) The Problems with Problem-solving Courts (“Collaborative Justice”), which includes the development and implementation nationwide of family courts, too.  [** after next few reminder images…]

I wrote about an East Coast/West Coast connection involving one government sub-sector (Administrative Office of the Courts, under the Judicial Council of California, the ruling body of the Judicial Branch in the state) with an improperly named non-entity (it’s not its own legal business OR government entity) — the “Center for Court Innovation” in New York.  You will not find it registered under that name on CharitiesNYS.com or Business Entity search, and so far as I know, it’s not a trade name of some registered entity — because the EIN# associated with it, generally speaking, belongs to a private foundation, “Fund for the City of New York.”

Four logos show sponsorship (not membership) of the Executive Session for State Court Leaders” (click image to enlarge, for fine-print commentary) as I recall. Only 1 logo represents part of government (BJA is under the USDOJ) directly; the other 3 (including Harvard) count as “tax-exempt, privately controlled entities” even though the NCSC Board will have public officials on it. 

I talked about how organizations like the NCSC got involved and discovered yet two more (subsequent to “The California Story” published in 2005) 501©3s promoting the same “collaborative justice” concept, keying off the concept of drug courts:

Fund for City of New York is one-half (the Private) half of the Public/Private (agreement, project, collaboration — whoever it’s defined) comprising the “Center for Court Innovation”. Look at the affiliations of the Board members — former NY Attorney General, Designer of the World Trade Center, Adm. Judge of the City of NY…!

(There’s also a foundation to go with this one).

**(The rest of that title, the same link as just given above: “….Speaking Personally (Personal Backdrop to Post-PRWORA Social Policy towards Women Who ~Just Say No!~ to Abuse and Proceed in Misplaced Belief They can actually Exit it) [started Sept. 18, Publ. Oct. 9, 2017, see also Collaborative Justice post/page].”(ends “-7AD”)

The other “Collaborative Justice” non-profit showing clear judicial membership and sponsorship, as well as an MSW involved in “Children and Family Futures.”  I won’t say more on that in this post, just pointing out that the process seems never-ending:

CCJCF-related, image series labeled: “Search for CCJCF President turned up EARLY Annual Rpt (Final Draft) WITH EIN# attached and its Significant Others (Judge Lynn Duryees, Peggy Hora)”

[Image may be added here post-publication, can’t locate a certain annotated one just now. It may be on the bottom of the related page]

One post in the pipeline taken from part (b) above again (“Governance, the Final Frontier,” now in draft, full title further below) reminded me of how early (how long ago) I’d realized that the “powers that be” within the domestic violence field obtained, and maintained, control over the field with an agenda to “therapize” the nation’s language of crime and consequences under the health, social science, and behavioral modification treatment [“therapeutic jurisprudence” and other concepts] paradigm — while still claiming to be tough on crime and domestic violence. And that one of the ways of doing this to mimic popular, grassroots demand from multiple seemingly diverse platforms (organizations) was having already-established tax-exempt foundations first internally sponsor projects, then spin off the projects off into more 501©3s (nonprofits) which, while the names may be new, the world view, personnel, response to the problems and practice of letting philanthropists run government or organize with intent to run it, is not. In other words, by setting up interconnected nonprofits collectively run by people of, except perhaps subject/topic focus area, the same general persuasion, having been so persuaded possibly in part because alternate viewpoints or alternate solutions to the problem were out-funded, and out-maneuvered.    

[Phrases above in this color were added long after the original paragraph; it this is too much overexplaining, read around them.]

Both this post and the one whose title shows next, linked from the “Collaborative Justice/Problem-solving Courts” page, should be published today, Oct. 20, 2017, or within 48 hours of each other.  (That “today” date kept getting moved back as I continued adding to the top part of this post!) The one you’re reading now will be published first.

I’ll repeat that link near the bottom of this post.

VERY early on, assumptions about WHICH are the KEY POINTS IN (foundational to) any new field or regime (for the DV field, that treatments and interventions, such as batterers’ intervention, or supervised visitation, mandatory mediation, parent education, etc.) become foundational, basic for that new field or regime’s claims to even BEING a field of practice or a new profession or area of professional practice (example:  “fatherhood” or “domestic violence PREVENTION”). Assumptions and omissions of relevant information which might speak against that selection of points get “baked-into the infrastructure and system” (including to its literature and downloadable curricula, webinars, etc.) as entrenched positions, and continually a part of whatever solution is chosen.

This proprietary, linguistic control makes later protest by people harmed by such policies, even if among the classes the policies are allegedly representing in the first place — for example, survivors of domestic violence, and/or child abuse who, with full information up front might have made different choices in picking their court battles, or how and how hard to fight back once they were dragged into one — an even heavier burden and uphill battle.  The public is fed information leading (or at least encouraging) readers/viewers to believe (until personally involved) that “the experts are on it,” so where there’s evidence to the contrary, maybe it was just the family’s problem, or one of the family members.’  Or a rogue judge, or a local problem..

After all, don’t we hear about domestic violence on TV shows, sometimes in a movie, in ads, and after headlines involving recent roadkill, perhaps from experts on one of the major organizations’ comments?


Who can even find the long-standing/oft-quoted SF Domestic Violence Consortium?  What does its spokesperson do for a living? Take tax-free donations (It’s not an incorporated entity, but its “Executive Director” maintains apparently a speed-dial on some local news media with each new domestic violence vitality — year after year — or otherwise disaster that has potential for making national news too.

Looking at this one, I also took a quick re-view of California’s registered and still active known major DV organizations, including (but not posted here) the “NNEDV.”  I also added a section in which one of the networked entities did us (belatedly) a courtesy summary of the networks themselves, nationally, that is. Recommendation?  Pretend this is a conversation, and just deal with its about 15,000 words as they come up.  When you see a new section coming up, so be it, and remember that some of the material that inspired a post may (in my writing style) still end up closer to the bottom, while what’s in between is, to say the least, “illuminating.”….
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Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

October 20, 2017 at 7:47 pm

Posted in Checking Out a Nonprofit (HowTo), Domestic Violence vs Family Law, Fatal Assumptions, Healthy Marriage Responsible Fatherhood (cat added 11/2011), Organizations, Foundations, Associations NGO Hybrids, Train-the-Trainers Technical Assistance Grantees, warfare: strategic, Where (and why) DV Prevention meets Fatherhood Promotion

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Even More Considerations on NASMHPD (and DBSA, and NAMI), and MHA. See Also Recent Epidemic? of Attorneys-General Suing Big Pharma over the Opioid Abuse Epidemic. [Publ. July 6, 2017]

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The theme, continued, is still …”DO YOU KNOW YOUR NGA, NCSC, NCSL, NCSEA, NCJFCJ, NCCD, NACC,  NASMHPD, not to mention ICMA?”

Even More Considerations on NASMHPD (and DBSA, and NAMI), and MHA. See Also Recent Epidemic? of Attorneys-General Suing Big Pharma over the Opioid Abuse Epidemic. [Publ. July 6, 2017] (post short-link ends “-79i”)

This post being published July 6, 2017 evening is about 8,000 words (shorter, for a change!). It comes in two basic sections — ICMA-related, and The Four Organizations-related (NASMHPD, DBSA, NAMI, and MHA).  I might later add more images showing the networked DBSA entities, but as written, I feel it’s written clearly enough (especially with the visuals) to be published now.

“DBSA” stands for Depression and BiPolar Support Alliance, formed in 1985 in Illinois.  “MHA” stands for Mental Health Association.

An aside, for this post, who is ICMA? 

It takes a few paragraphs and several images, but I’ve used the reference in post titles and themes often enough I felt it time to identify the acronym “ICMA” here again.

While I’m including information from its website, on a related entity and a partnering entity before getting into the main subject matter, remember that this ICMA section and information near the top of this post is included now only for a point of reference in the landscape of membership organizations involving public employees, and for awareness of its existence, and some of its scope — not as main post content.  As I showed before, along with the NGA and others, ICMA is considered part of the “Big Seven Associations” by those so-associated (!):

The “Big 7” is a coalition of seven national associations in Washington, D.C., whose members represent state and local governments. The leadership of these organizations works together regularly to discuss issues of mutual interest affecting state and local governments. Members of the “Big 7” include: The National Governors Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, The Council of State Governments, the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, The U.S. Conference of Mayors and the International City/County Management Association.

There’s a wikipedia “stub” (doesn’t say much, except that they are influential in lobbying for their interests) on “the Big Seven,” and as you can see, the ICMA (the “C” standing for the two-word descriptor (adjective) “City/County” seems to show up in its logo):

The Big Seven is a group of nonpartisan, non-profit organizations made up of United States state and local government officials. The Big Seven are:

These groups are influential in national government, often lobbying Congress to represent their members’ interests.


  • Patterson, Bradley H., Jr. (2000). The White House Staff: Inside the West Wing and Beyond. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. pp. Ch. 13. ISBN 0-8157-6951-2.

Bringing up the “power of the GASB” (a post I’m still working on talks about how), know that a tax-exempt foundation in Norwalk Connecticut, the “Financial Accounting Foundation” (FAF”) actually set up and controls both the GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board), some time after the FASB (Financial? Accounting Standards Board) for the private sector, in the early 1970s.  They delegated powers to the respective boards, but still maintain ultimate (veto, etc.) power over them.

(This diagram also on FAF “About” page, shown nearby)

FAF outlines its identity and purposes (FASB and GASB)

Rules change from time to time, and rule-changes can make or break a city county, or possibly even state — and often around the issue of pension funding.  So in 2012, “The Big Seven” responding to a rules-change drafted a policy response for how much people should contribute to their own pension plans (ARCs and Annual Designated Contributions):

Big Seven” Focus on Pension Funding Policy October 01, 2012 (found at “leg.Wa.Gov”)  WASHINGTON—The executive directors of the Big Seven state and local associations today released draft “Pension Funding Policy Guidelines” for state and local governments.  [Same announcement on the same date provided through National League of Cities, this one with a link to the (2page) guidelines.**]

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) recently issued new standards that focus entirely on how state and local governments should account for pension benefit costs. However, they did not address how employers should calculate the annual required contribution (ARC). To assist state and local government employers, the seven associations are engaged in an ongoing effort to develop policy guidelines.  [[some points raised.  Note:  this doesn’t have an active link to that released draft, just advertised it on an NGA website, apparently.]]

“Government leaders have to make difficult budget decisions every year, said Robert J O’Neill, ICMA executive director. “Having a rational way to calculate their annual required contribution helps them stay on track to meet their retirement obligations.”  [[Para. listing “The Big Seven” omitted]]

The National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers; the Government Finance Officers Association; the National Association of State Retirement Administrators and the National Council on Teacher Retirement helped draft the guidelines.**

**Link to the Pension Guidelines (now almost five years old) shows why (see last para. in quote) those particular organizations helped draft — because the Big Seven asked them to! (next screenprint) as convened by a “Center for State and Local Government Excellence” which the guidelines don’t bother to mention is taking ICMA Retirement Corp funding and working with them:

Natl League of Cities Oct 1 2012 Link to 1209PensionGuidelines

(annotated excerpt from 10/1/2012 Big 7 Pension Guidelines (a 2pp release)

What’s ironic about this — the Big 7 Associations advising governments how to address pensions are themselves subject to FASB (not GASB) standards — because they are in the private sector.  This information was a search result on “The Big Seven” but included because in the ICMA section below, an entire corporation managing public employee retirement plans for ICMA (it’s called ICMA Retirement Corporation) comes up.  The convening organization is an LLC listed in ICMA-RC’s “Sched R -Pt I” (disregarded entities, at the same street address and floor like its other Sched R Pt. I Disregarded entities.  It is controlled and apparently funded by ICMA RC to conduct research on municipal and local retirement plans, specifically.  Website says it was created for this purpose in 2007.

Take a look at the FY2008 ICMA RC Salaries (totaling $13M for Part VIIA — includes not just Directors and Officers, but also Highest-Paid and Key Employees).  In later years it’d be $19M !!  I see the President at this point had a salary of four million dollars and at least three others, over $1M each….

It’s not the primary purpose of this post, which focuses more on the four entities in the title, all dealing with and named after topics surrounding “mental health,” and involved individually and at times with each other in the strategic push for a paradigm-shift, intended to make and keep, nationally and by communities, provision of mental health services a regular part of basic primary health care, and so covered by insurance for that primary health care. To do this, considerable marketing and social communications sector, and affiliate organizations are involved.

I’m including the short(er) section on ICMA up front because I think it’s time to do so. There’s also a certain element of comic relief — well, at least of comedy.  You’ll see….

(These might be separate entities also; however I saw that the California group merged into the main one).

After looking more closely I see what ICMA’s acknowledged partner “Alliance for Innovation, Inc.” f/k/a The Innovation Groups” is doing, or at least how it’s been operating (since 1979, it says), although why ICMA would partner with such incompetence (speaking as to their tax returns), one wonders….  The Innovations Groups is plural because it has regional offices and at least one merger (for the region “California-Colorado-Nevada-Arizona”) in its 40-year-plus history.  (See two images from their “founding documents” — link part of the California OAG link provided below).  “The Innovation Groups, Inc.” is the prior name (one of several) for what is now “Alliance for Innovation, Inc.”

Alliance for Innovation, Inc. also registered in California (now as a Florida Organization with an Arizona Entity address) since 1991, but quit filing with the Office of Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts  (“OAG RCT”) its required annual tax returns and RRFs — with the annual fees based on revenues — (as a 501©3) since 2006, was not marked “Delinquent” until August 2010, despite its last known annual revenues being over $1M, and remains active as a corporation.  In other words, it wasn’t “FTB Suspended” by the Secretary of State, nor is there even any uploaded information that the California OAG even ASKED it for the about eight years of missing tax returns AND RRFs, or threatened suspension if they didn’t cough them up — which it does for other entities.  I wonder why not…and am tempted to compile enough related facts to write a letter (anyone reading this, also feel free to, or call to find out if there is some legitimate reason).

If you’re curious about that aspect, look here (about 2pp): AllianceForInnovatn (does bus w ICMA) Calif OAG Chart Details EIN# 591936650 No Filings Since FY2006 not marked Delinq til Aug2010 – WHY?  I didn’t address the OAG delinquency in the section on ICMA (tan background color) below; there’s plenty of other things to report. Note:  The many links on the above pdf to uploaded filings that were made (towards the bottom of its about 2pp) should still be active; they won’t fade with time unless the OAG moves the documents.


“ICMA is the professional and educational organization representing appointed managers and administrators in local governments throughout the world. It sponsors, develops and implements a number of programs that provide local government managers and administrators with expertise on a variety of topic areas.”

International City/County Management Association DC 2015 990 65 $15,057,789.00 36-2167755
International City/County Management Association DC 2014 990 63 $15,570,124.00 36-2167755
International City/County Management Association DC 2013 990 58 $16,443,151.00 36-2167755

Since 1914 (odd timing, 1 year after the income tax was established through US Constitutional Amendment).   Tax returns show it’s an IL corporation with a D.C. address and two related (Sched R) entities, one I reference below, and the other is an REIT holding their D.C. Headquarters.  They receive income from both (see Sched R), and spent around $7M in overseas activities (Sched F) the last year shown above, FY2014 only.  They took in $11M+ Contributions and $11M “Program Service Revenues” (including membership fees, a good chunk” and, per page 1, spent over $12M on salaries (158 employees) and over $12M in “Other Expenses” resulting (when combined with $349K grants to others) in an about $250K Deficit.  The year before they had radically higher contributions ($18M) but still overspent the budget.  The related “ICMA Retirement Corporation” while I’m here, has its separate tax returns.  WOW..  An entirely different picture.  Also, this one is FY1972 (it says, started with help from a Ford Foundation grant) and a Delaware Corporation — same street address except the Suite#.  The difference in size is predictable because after all, it’s handling retirement plan benefits:

Total results: 3Search Again.

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Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

July 6, 2017 at 8:54 pm

Posted in 1996 TANF PRWORA (cat. added 11/2011), Cast, Script, Characters, Scenery, Stage Directions, Mental Health Movements + Orgs, Organizations, Foundations, Associations NGO Hybrids, Train-the-Trainers Technical Assistance Grantees

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Yes, Broken Courts, Flawed Practices, and the Parade of Fools: (Pt.1(a) Intro, Context) [Last post of 2014, publ. June 29, 2014].

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From this post as first published:

This post is about advocacy group supporters and followers failing to set standards and keep their own leaders ethical. In a larger sense, the same goes for all of us as citizens, supporting by personal energy and labor (i.e., government revenues) — how can we keep leaders honest or ethical if we don’t have a grasp of what they are doing, what they are paid to do, and how the system is organized?  ….

It is a natural continuation of the recent (and from May 2012) “Parades, Charades and Facades,” and my posting this is keeping a personal promise (to myself) for the year 2014, to expose what’s underneath the rhetoric.

I had no way of knowing at the time, but this became my last post of 2014, and I didn’t post anything for the entirety of 2015, for another round in the court system and while handling (yet) another round of family-generated problems putting my housing at risk through previous rounds which destroyed a sustainable profession (through the family courts) which was then used, apparently behind my back, to take control of an inheritance, and all but “dare” me to challenge the current status quo.I tend to challenge any current status quo which forces competent individuals onto food stamps needlessly, and continues to harass and interfere, cyclically, as I am noticed to be engaging in obtaining replacement work. This was coming to a head in summer 2014, which also may have prompted my desire here to lay out the elements clearly, naming names, as to which organizations occupied what status on the family court reform (and associated “domestic violence prevention” food chains, and how I came to understand where they were on that food chain.

In late 2019 I am coming back to review this post along with a few others which engaged in the “Our Broken Family Courts Initiative” (i.e., the Cummings Foundations, legal domicile Nevada, field of operations it seems, they’d chosen for some reason nearby Arizona.

I noticed it lacked my usual “Title & Shortlink” format, so came here to add one, to add the date published to the title itself, and these comments. It’s clear I considered this even in 2014 an important point to make by the next update section.//LGH Dec. 7, 2019.  Here’s that Title now:

Yes, Broken Courts, Flawed Practices, and the Parade of Fools: (Pt.1(a) Intro, Context) [Last post of 2014, publ. June 29, 2014].

(short-link ends “-2ug”).  Having also now noticed this post is an obnoxious 25.4K words long, I’ll see if/when I might get to an abbreviation and/or re-posting of key parts. That’s not a promise, just a recognition of the need!   NOTE: This post has comments (some dialogue with readers) and more helpful links.  Most posts don’t have comments; these are worth reading (and found at the bottom) as are I still believe its extensive list of tags.


 [Published June 29, 2014; Post in edit mode late July-Aug. 2014;  expanded to almost double the size,nearly 24,000 words; with background info….In most posts, a lot of the length is simply quotes,  my style is not just tell, but  “show and tell.”]

February 2016 Personal Update:

Without changing the contents here (except one paragraph or so,  cleaning up some formatting and adding tags), I’ll mention that the MAJOR break in posting anything between June 29, 2014 and early 2016 came because my personal situation heated up so much after I went public on fiduciary abuse by an older sister — who’d played a crucial role in supporting/enabling (if not inciting) our original “custody war,” after playing a negligible, passive, codependent, domestic-violence-enabling role the previous decade, after learning that I was a battered wife and mother and seeking intervention.

From summer 2014 – early 2015, the situation went into probate court — lasting in total, nearly a year, to finish transition.  Throughout 2015 I was working with and renegotiating standards with personnel in control of my resources, and continuing to withhold access to evidence of the paper trail….From summer 2014 – 2016, I was still writing things up, investigating, communicating privately with some individuals — but also had to spend major time, that’s writing time, and to lawyer, sister, starting with unearthing a written commitment on her part, yes/no — are you resigning or not? Then, requesting to settle out of court (which is possible under California code and the individual trust), which (of course) was rejected, stringing the process out, adding more professionals (not that I had some for protection on this end).

In 2015, a major transition dealing with new people — major negotiation time, and now as the year 2015 closed out  and so far in 2016– I find myself again fighting for housing, and to obtain financial records, which certain people don’t want found. Both my (so to speak — father no longer involved, and I was prevented from continued involvement years earlier) young adult children now being out of the state, I had hoped to move on with life, and promptly move out of present housing.  I found — “not so” from certain personnel, and that “not so” is in one of the most effective forms of messing with other human beings — litigation absent the supporting facts (and here, even proof of standing) as a form of extortion, which like some of the other things this blog talks about (child-stealing, wife-beating, stalking, terroristic threats on individuals, statements under penalty of perjury which are, well, known to be falsehoods by those speaking, these are criminal issues.

In these conditions, struggling with wordpress HTML and getting out a post, wasn’t going to happen. I’ve been working at a different format to start uploading what did, still, continue learning during the non-posting time. We shall see…. Anyhow, that’s why no follow-up parts to this post occurred, much as I would’ve liked to complete them.  There are plenty in draft, and I am posting again.   There are still plenty of survival-level challenges, which means that about the only relief  or “down-time” still involves this kind of blogging anyhow —

and in continuing to blog I am still thinking about the next generation, particularly of those who may have been trafficked, traded and repeatedly disrupted (UNLESS they come into an abusive home, it seems — then the “don’t disrupt” theme seems to prevail) like commodities between and among parent/non-parent caretakers — all rationalized and presided over in the institutions run by privately-networked in organizations & with those in government positions  people (judges, experts, and social science research & demo projects building their resumes and journaling their findings) “IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST” and in the name of “NON-ADVERSARIAL COURT PROCEEDINGS,” “REDUCING CONFLICT” and of course Treating and Healing the scourges of wife-battering and child abuse [“SUPERVISED VISITATION / BATTERERS INTERVENTION”], for “Futures without Violence” “Safe Horizons” “Justice” (a common label on oh so many organizations), FAMILY reunification, preservation, (…. Responsible Fatherhood, Healthy Marriages, Access and Visitation — all such good, wonderful, noble things…) and my favorite term when applied to what allegedly MUST happen between perps and those perpetrated-upon: “CONCILIATION.” Unless parental alienation was perpetrated upon someone in a high-conflict relationship, in which case cold-turkey quarantining of the offender with de-programming for the alienated minor children.

Maybe we should call these courts something more appropriate to what takes place in them — like virtual auction blocks, or stock markets in human lives, with some able to profit so well in the field, they can as majority shareholders, demand changes in management, streamlined efficiency and increased return to shareholders, futures, options, the whole deal, on the profits of churning individual human beings’ relationships under the banner of helping society — and of course anyone “low-income” adjust to business as usual.

// Thanks for Readers’ Patience,  including with some of the formatting in reading through existing posts, or if you were expecting new ones that didn’t come timely…., LGH (“Let’s Get Honest) 2/6/2016.

 Between “Pts.1” [1a and 1b] and “Pt.2” I expect to post more material on the Family Court Enhancement Project (“FCEP”), which I understand is all the talk about town (i.e., on the internet in these circles (use your search function to find some of it…).   So the title of this blog refers to a series.  It is a natural continuation of the recent (and from May 2012) “Parades, Charades and Facades,” and my posting this is keeping a personal promise (to myself) for the year 2014, to expose what’s underneath the rhetoric.

These parades, charades, and facades have become a problem for the people who match the profile of what they claim to represent, “Protective Parents” and/or “Battered Mothers,” specifically. I am among that class and a witness of the practices, tactics, and censorships of dialogues involved. I believe collectively the groups involved comprise a cult, and exhibit all primary cult practices.

Before a few mental circuits of distressed parents disconnect, or melt from the heat of their own righteous indignation, (“But my children were abused; I am an incest survivor” etc.), this post is not about whether or not incest or abuse took place in those cases, or children are being placed in the care of batterers or dangerous parents. I’m a survivor, and I know that plenty of times, abuse, sometimes incest did take place and children ARE being placed in the care of batterers.  Mine were….

This post is about what kind of parents are taking a road trip (real, or virtually) with ANY advocacy organizations whose articles of incorporation (if any) boards of directors on their tax returns and patterns of incorporation, charitable filings they have not yet even identified (let alone read and understood), and what’s worse to a destination they have not evaluated as sensible, based on analyses of those organizations in the larger context.

It’s about the dangers of tunnel vision.  Focus is one thing, but tunnel vision, an entirely different thing. it’s about how even spending days, weeks and months on a combination of social media, group -emails, individual emails, and even supplemented by various published articles on a certain topic can still be like eating white bread and peanut butter only, and wondering why you can’t make it through the marathon.

It’s so easy to get a sense of TIME (date of origin of a group), PLACE (where did it originally incorporated, and if it’s one of those state-skipping chameleon corporations, make a note of it, and find out where it’s been before), SIZE (for that, see the financials), and POSITIONING (who else is it interlocking agenda with; and — this is important — is it talking from a religious-exempt institution, or from a law school, or center/institute (etc.) at a university, or individually.  Universities, hospitals, government represent considerable clout, prestige and authority, and lesser accountability for said “Center” or Institute” when it comes to tracking the funding = tracking the influence.  Is it a regular HHS grantee? On which federal funding streams?

How much does anyone involved really know, as an abuse survivor or simply as a taxpayer, about the USDOJ/OVW (Office of Violence Against Women) funding streams proceeding from passage and subsequent re-authorizations of the Violence Against Women Act (1994ff) and who’s on them, who’s advising them?  What about the people who have been directors of that Office? (Two — Bea Hanson and the Hon. Susan B. Carbon — in this post).  What are their affiliations, where did they come from policy-wise and professionally?

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Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

June 29, 2014 at 1:37 pm

Posted in 1996 TANF PRWORA (cat. added 11/2011), AFCC, Business Enterprise, Cast, Script, Characters, Scenery, Stage Directions, Checking Out a Nonprofit (HowTo), Domestic Violence vs Family Law, History of Family Court, Lethality Indicators - in News, Organizations, Foundations, Associations NGO Hybrids, PhDs in Psychology-Psychiatry etc (& AFCC), Train-the-Trainers Technical Assistance Grantees, Who's Who (bio snapshots)

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My Posts, Just the List (June 29, 2014..back to Sept. 24, 2012. From Jan. 23, 2016 forward now available @ “Table of Contents 2016 ONLY” Post)

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Full post title with shortlink:  My Posts, Just the List (June 29, 2014..back to Sept. 24, 2012.  From Jan. 23, 2016 forward now available @ “Table of Contents 2016 ONLY” Post)

Table of Contents

(June 29, 2014..back to Sept. 24, 2012

I started this blog in spring 2009. It is my continuous show-and-tell learning curve exposing, as the motto says, Family –and Conciliation — Court Operations, Practices, and History from the early 1990s and earlier.

Nothing was posted or added to this table of contents from June 29, 2014 (Broken Courts, Flawed Practices, Parade of Fools) throughout 2015.  On January 23, 2016 (2016 More Business As Usual in MN? (Criminalizing, Terrorizing, Jailing Mothers)) I resumed publishing posts.  My personal situation wasn’t particularly better at this time, it had just progressed, and I felt it urgent to continue this line of reporting, as I had not stopped investigating (or writing it up off-blog) meanwhile.

This BLOG has two separate Tables of Contents in two different posts, both near the very top of the blog: [Update: as of 1/8/2017, I’m starting one for the new year also…]
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Navigating My Blog: Table of Contents, Post Titles by Dates Published

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This page will be updated as I can.  I realized I am repeating by phone (and sometimes in post) information already blogged.   Hopefully these are good browsing, a list of subject matter in addition to the links on the sidebar, pages, and sidebar widgets with some chronological narratives.   This represents four-plus years of consistent research driven by an insatiable (so far) desire to know  “How could these things be?” and “What are the alternatives?”    Please feed the blogger; you will NOT find this information assembled elsewhere, and it should’ve been.

One of the questions I ask on this page (middle) is also, “What alternatives do you, plural, want?  Is this really what you want done with your tax dollars?”   With some visuals.

Last Dozen Posts Published  (In Reverse Chrono Order) (from the sidebar; the sidebar content obviously changes with time).

BELOW, in REVERSE CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE FORM, picking up from the Dec. 24, 2013 one above:

A table of post titles going so far back to December 2012 (blog dates from 2009), in reverse chrono order, being assembled as of February 2014.  I’ll add links as I can, however this has to be done from the Admin. site one post, one paste, one row/hyperlink at a time.   Meanwhile, you can look up any post by its date through “Archives” til then.  The titles are statements in themselves of a developing understanding of the field.

“Please Feed the Blogger” Notice:

Also, “please feed the blogger.”  Any idea how much time it takes to research and put up a post?

Below is a section from the sidebar explaining why this blog, and that I’ve been exploring pretty much new and original material/territory* — including what has happened since those who first “dropped the ball” on reporting the HHS grants factor (around 1999-2002) as it affects the courts, and who, specifically dropped it.    This blog is far from book format or indexed, but it’s a very good set of footprints, and with basic commonsense tools plus “show and tell” on lookups, involved.  The information has been picked up and is being brought up, from what I can tell, in re: mid-term Congressional election platforms in two different states.  

* (with exception of the CAFR material, which has good teachers already explaining it well, although I also blogged and continue to tie its huge significance into the family court matters.  CAFRs speak to who is government.  Courts are part of  government).

I am also seeking to get some specific “consciousness-raising” funds eliminated in my own state of California, after having seen just what programs they go to, and having been an eyewitness long term of what “help” consists of (i.e., PR campaigns, technical assistance and training, website constructions, and tax writeoffs, etc.)  This is definitely a real “public interest blog”

These tasks are guaranteed not to make one friends in high places, or among those in authority over the various programs I believe should be defunded.  Much of my blog is politically incorrect, including among the arrogant (in my opinion) “save the world” Baby Boomers expert at promoting world utopia (along with “Pay no attention to our operating structures” which I do anyhow, and report on).  Some of these, it seems, learned in the 1960s, somehow, that being able to change laws then, they are apparently beyond and above the law now.    I disagree, and talk about the consequences of being distracted by “cause” rhetoric.

The same people and their multi-faceted, not-quite-filing nonprofit groups already have their eyes on desired system changes, and the parts slated for elimination are THE parts protecting due process, fiscal accountability to government, and despite all the talks of equality, simply fair play, financially. All people should learn how to understand the basic operating systems of (1) government and (2) self-appointed systems change agent and figure out how these are funded.

Pls. Feed the Blogger in re: About to go Public notice

FYI, I’m about to go public (not on this forum) with my case, naming names, putting it in chronological order, for protection of certain family members, because I am not in safe situation currently. I am in solidarity with anyone who has been put homeless, or nearly homeless year after year by this system WITHOUT having abused others or perpetrated crimes on others, and with people who have lost their children (but not their minds) through the courts, without due process and without legitimate cause.  (Obviously, there are still legitimate reasons for being prevented from contact with one’s children. Unfortunately the most obvious ones in human terms don’t seem to hold much weight in “conciliation” courts with a mind of their own and purposes of their own, like ordering services and centralizing operations).

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How NY’s OTDA [social services agency] runs even more fatherhood (and DV) funding through FFFS alternate circuitry. [Publ. Jan 15, 2014, format update May 31, 2020].

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How NY’s OTDA [social services agency] runs even more fatherhood (and DV) funding through FFFS alternate circuitry. [Publ. Jan 15, 2014, format update May 31, 2020]. (short-link ends “-23A,” about 6,500 words) Other than adding this title protocol, not edited the post since //LGH May 31, 2020)

From a pre-Thanksgiving draft (and in not much beyond draft shape) I simply want to illustrate how “Follow the money” is almost impossible when it comes to the entrenched systems of Fatherhood, yes, also Domestic Violence prevention categories.

Some things you can’t see without even reading some detailed Administrative Memorandum offering more perks through, as in this example, “Flexible Funds for Family Services.” [FFFS].

I provided about half a post’s worth of intro, so if you want the original (and more picturesque part) scroll down at least to the first set of quotes, in tables with a rich brown background.

This post  relates to the “fatherhood.gov” a.k.a. “the National Responsible Fatherhood Resource Center and an Albany, New York street address on the contact page?  and who that relates to.

The fatherhood field and the supposedly contrary field (domestic violence) since 1996 have been funded through the federal government.

I did the best I could with formatting and hope the post further enlightens us ALL to (wake up and smell the coffee)….and make a New Year’s Resolution to start better comprehending “government” and how it’s funded.  While I’m not the expert, I have identified some tools NOT taught in most schools or reported in the local mainstream media.  Demonstrating how I use these tools isn’t to drown anyone with details, but to demonstrate certain concepts so  others (that’s YOU) can make a more informed decision of where you stand regarding, well, what’s to do with your future TIME and LIFE. Read the rest of this entry »

Johnson [and] Johnson, Robert Wood Johnson (I, II, III and IV) — This Crowd and JUSTICE Reform??? [Published Dec. 25, 2013]

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Post title & shortlink (with date published added to original title):

Johnson [and] Johnson, Robert Wood Johnson (I, II, III and IV) — This Crowd and JUSTICE Reform??? [Published Dec. 25, 2013] (short-link ending: “-2dp” | about 9,000 words)(<~this part added 2019).  (The ‘[and]’ because the title doesn’t retain “&” character when I use it//LGH)

For a generic overview of what, exactly, business is the Johnson & Johnson company in NOW, see Reuters.com Overview (viewed on Christmas Day, 12/25/2013).  You may recognize the signature from many of the consumer products:

Johnson & Johnson, incorporated in November 10, 1887, is a holding company. The Company is engaged in the research and development, manufacture and sale of a broad range of products in the health care field.

The business of Johnson & Johnson is conducted by more than 275 operating companies located in 60 countries, including the United States, which sell products in virtually all countries throughout the world.

In March 2013, Johnson & Johnson’s Cordis Corporation announced the acquisition of Flexible Stenting Solutions, Inc. In June 2013, Johnson & Johnson announced the opening of the Johnson & Johnson Innovation center in Boston. In August 2013, Johnson & Johnson announced it has completed its acquisition of Aragon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a pharmaceutical discovery and development company focused on drugs to treat hormonally driven cancers.

The Company’s primary focus has been on products related to human health and well-being. The Company is organized into three business segments: Consumer, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices and Diagnostics. The Company’s subsidiaries operate 146 manufacturing facilities occupying approximately 21.6 million square feet of floor space.

The Consumer segment includes a broad range of products used in the baby care, skin care, oral care, wound care and women’s health care fields, as well as nutritional and over-the-counter pharmaceutical products, and wellness and prevention platforms. The Baby Care franchise includes the JOHNSON’S Baby line of products. The brands in the Skin Care franchise include the AVEENO,CLEAN & CLEAR, JOHNSON’S Adult, NEUTROGENA, RoC, LUBRIDERM, DABAO and VENDOME product lines. Brands in the Oral Care franchise include the LISTERINE and REMBRANDT oral care lines, as well as REACH interdental products. The Wound Care franchise includes BAND-AID brand adhesive bandages and NEOSPORIN First Aid products. brands in the Women’s Health franchise are CAREFREE pantiliners; o.b. tampons and STAYFREE sanitary protection products. The principal nutritional line is SPLENDA No Calorie Sweetener. Over-the-counter medicines include the broad family of TYLENOL acetaminophen products; SUDAFED cold, flu and allergy products; ZYRTEC allergy products; MOTRIN IB ibuprofen products; and PEPCID AC Acid Controller. These products are marketed to the general public and sold both to retail outlets and distributors throughout the world.

The Pharmaceutical segment includes products in areas, such as anti-infective, antipsychotic, contraceptive, gastrointestinal, hematology, immunology, infectious diseases, neurology, oncology, pain management, thrombosis and vaccines.

These products are distributed directly to retailers, wholesalers and health care professionals for prescription use.

Key products in the Pharmaceutical segment include: REMICADE (infliximab), a treatment for a number of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases; STELARA (ustekinumab), a treatment for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis; SIMPONI (golimumab), a treatment for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, active psoriatic arthritis, and active ankylosing spondylitis; VELCADE(bortezomib), a treatment for multiple myeloma; ZYTIGA (abiraterone acetate), a treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer; PREZISTA (darunavir), INTELENCE (etravirine) and EDURANT (rilpivirine), treatments for HIV/AIDS; INCIVO (telaprevir), for the treatment of hepatitis C; NUCYNTA ER (tapentadol) extended release tablets, a treatment for moderate to severe chronic pain in adults and neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in adults; INVEGA SUSTENNA (paliperidone palmitate), for the acute and maintenance treatment of schizophrenia in adults; INVEGA (paliperidone) extended-release tablets, for the treatment of of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder;

RISPERDAL CONSTA (risperidone), a treatment for the management of Bipolar I Disorder and schizophrenia; XARELTO(rivaroxaban), an oral anticoagulant for the prevention of thrombosis following total hip or knee replacement surgery, for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or to reduce the risk of recurrence of DVT or PE following an initial six months of treatment for acute venous thromboembolism; PROCRIT (epoetin alfa, sold outside the United States (U.S.) as EPREX), to stimulate red blood cell production; LEVAQUIN (levofloxacin) for the treatment of bacterial infections; CONCERTA (methylphenidate HCl) extended-release tablets CII, a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ACIPHEX/PARIET, a proton pump inhibitor co-marketed with Eisai Inc.; and DURAGESIC/ (fentanyl transdermal system) CII, sold outside the U.S. as DUROGESIC, a treatment for chronic pain that offers a novel delivery system.

Medical Devices and Diagnostics
The Medical Devices and Diagnostics segment includes a broad range of products used principally in the professional fields by physicians, nurses, hospitals, and clinics. These include products to treat cardiovascular disease; orthopaedic and neurological products; blood glucose monitoring and insulin delivery products; general surgery, biosurgical, and energy products; professional diagnostic products; infection prevention products; and disposable contact lenses. These products are distributed to wholesalers, hospitals and retailers both directly and through surgical supply and other distributors.

ed0915bkJJpic.jpgCasey Johnson and Tila Tequila

These images of: just a fragment of the Johnson & Johnson project lines; a book about their family, and of Casey Johnson, the young woman (to left) was found tragically dead in 2010, at only age 30 after several days, and in squalid conditions in a Los Angeles apartment,

have far more to do with the Family Courts having been transformed into Substance Abuse Treatment Centers for (ideally) the entire family than I realized.

See last post….ByPassing the Legal Process:  How and for WHOM Maryland got its Family Divisions in 1998 to understand it wasn’t JUST a handful of advocates cutting a deal with a well-known Judge to administer into existence what they couldn’t, even in the mid-1990s, get legislated into reality, after many tries.

After reading about the background of Johnson & Johnson founders and their offspring, I am thinking seriously that all the pain and grief we are going through (including at holiday times) around the issue of “FAMILY” has more to do with the habits of this Johnson & Johnson family line — which obviously are in need of some of their own family and substance abuse therapy, family reunification, and quite a few other services — like hearing relationships, or staying married, and not abandoning their sons, daughters (biological or adopted).  Something seems missing in the ethical category, including at times the work ethic — who needs to work with the size of those trust funds!  Check out some of the footnotes on the other Johnson Brother (and descendants) J. Seward Johnson (sample from 1987, as a 12-year battle of children wife #3:  Family Fortune, a Tangled Tale)

It’s a real wake-up call for a massive change of the status quo, and why attempting to reason with attorneys as a class (or, training judges) about the courts isn’t going to get far.  They are listening as a class (cf. RWJF paying the ABA to promote UFCs) to their funders.

How have most of those products and practices affected our lives?  Do we really need “Splenda”?  How about Risperdal?  Nov. 5, 2013 $2.2 billion settlement J&J announced with the “DOJ” shows that the pratices of lying, stealing from taxpayers, cheating, bribing (paying kickbacks), misbranding, and expanding marketing of sometimes dangerous drugs and products to categories of VULNERABLE people they weren’t designed for — is still ongoing:

Risperdal Lawsuits: $2.2 Billion Settlement Between Federal Government, Johnson & Johnson Over Alleged Illegal Marketing of Risperdal, Other Medications

The Agreement Settles Charges that Johnson & Johnson Illegally Marketed Risperdal, Invega and Natracor for Off-Label Use and Paid Kick-Backs to Physicians to Drive Sales of Risperdal and Invega, Alonso Krangle LLP reports

[In addition to what may be now be more more common knowledge — targeting the most vulnerable:  children, the elderly and the disabled, and paying kickbacks.. there’s also the issue harming men, i.e., gynomastia, a concealed side effect of Risperdal:]

Johnson & Johnson is currently facing hundreds of Risperdal lawsuits in a consolidated litigation underway in Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia. Many of these lawsuits were filed on behalf of plaintiffs who developed gynecomastia, or male breast growth, allegedly due to their use of Risperdal. In October 2012, Bloomberg News reported that Johnson & Johnson had reached Risperdal settlements in five cases that were designated for the litigation’s first bellwether trials. Among other things, the Risperdal lawsuits alleged that Johnson & Johnson had concealed evidence that Risperdal could cause male breast growth, and that the company had improperly marketed the antipsychotic drug for use in children. (In Re: Risperdal Litigation, Case ID. 100300296)

Perhaps someday this might also be a class-action lawsuit re: kickbacks? or marketing the “Unified Family Court” model to classes of people it wasn’t designed for.  IT was designed for primarily substance abuse treatment//drug courts… about which the Johnsons seem to know PLENTY…

Here’s a “UFC” from City and County of San Francisco, CALIFORNIA.  Notice combined jursidiction, and (towards the bottom) forced mediation for any restraining orders issued– and that the URL shows this is under the Superior Court, just as it was in Baltimore:


Unified Family Court (UFC) is comprised of Juvenile Dependency, Juvenile Delinquency and Family Law. Its mission is to provide coordinated services to those who have family-related issues in the Court system; strengthen services to the community; and assist and promote healthy families and children. UFC handles divorce, legal separation and nullity; parentage; domestic abuse restraining orders; child, spousal and family support [i.e., the MONEY]; child custody and visitation; mediation and self-help services; child abuse and neglect; and children’s violations of criminal law.

Here’s one from FLORIDA, 11th Judicial District:

The Unified Family Court is the name of a model family court with an integrated, comprehensive approach to handling and resolving all cases involving children and families within the judicial system. A matter may qualify for transfer into the UFC when two or more open “cross over” cases among family members with issues concerning the same children are pending simultaneously in the Family, Juvenile and/or Domestic Violence Divisions.

Domestic Violence Intake Unit Domestic Violence Intake Unit
Operated through the joint efforts of the Clerk of Courts (COC) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) Advocacy unit, the Intake Unit is comprised of intake counselors and support staff dedicated to providing efficient and responsive services to the court and the community.

This is exactly what happened in my case.  We had one issue, a restraining order, in effect.  I filed to renew, he filed to divorce (having been coached to do so, it later turned out), immediately switching venues, and successfully defeating the restraining order.  To show up and be heard, one had to (“mandatory”) go through a mediator. In most states, court-appointed mediators qualify as access/visitation, fatherhood promotion, virtually “the beginning of the end” of abuse/harassment-free and solid mother-children relationships.”

CRIMINAL matters becoming FAMILY matters was a key element from the start .  End result?  Shortly thereafter, my holiday — and other — contact with children (my own) was eliminated.  The word has been out for many years, for batterers and molesters (also affecting those men who AREN’T such, “get your case into family court, such a deal

Not only did RWJFoundation want, and get, Unified Family Courts (see last post as well), they also then funded a later evaluation (“Public Health Roundup”) for how effective they were, which was dutifully received then publicized.  This is from June 4, 2013, and posted under the foundation website:

Public Health News Roundup: June 4

Special Family Court Systems Limit Kids’ Time in Foster Care, Improve School Performance
With families who went through a special unified family court system that deals with divorce, child custody, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse and alcohol abuse,*** children spent less time in foster care and performed better in school (also an indicator of better emotional health), according to a new study in Evaluation Review. Kids whose families went through these courts were more likely to be reunited with their parents or other primary caregivers. Researchers found that children spent an average of 29 days fewer in foster care placements in counties with unified family courts, and kids were 11 percent more likely to be reunited with their parents or other caregivers. “The shortened time in foster care seen in this study can be attributed to the efficiency of unified family courts, which translates into savings for the court system and benefits to children seen through improved educational outcomes,” said Frank Sloan, PhD, of Duke University. The study was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Public Health Law Research Program. Read more on education.

**Notice, “domestic abuse” isn’t related, although some studies say it’s related to several of the other kinds.

Here’s another one from 2009, just a piddling $140K, called “Assessing the effectiveness of unified family courts in North Carolina in reducing rates of domestic violence and improving health

The Johnson family wealth has a history of what would be called crooked dealings in helping acquire and expand the influence and reach.  Here’s a (2008 5 years old) list of their US and International subsidiaries

This wealth was of course poured into tax-exempt foundations, which is what most wealthy corporations do for obvious reasons — tax-exemption (to better retain the profits), public relations (good will where possible, and building influence on the factors which relate to — their core (or diversified) businesses, including politics, institutions, the courts, and here — the health delivery pipeline/network.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation [the big one of those shown] had its hands in promoting the family court model. After a look at their family line (and as with many foundations — where they throw the weight around usually has to do with THEIR family problems as much as the rest of the country’s) shows that perhaps it was themselves who needed the substance abuse treatment, and family therapy….

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton Foundation NJ 2011 990 46 $2,287,963 22-2552329
Johnson Foundation, Robert Wood, The NJ 2011 990PF 161 $8,967,712,917 22-6029397
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Foundation NJ 2011 990 39 $43,355,586 22-2378007
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital at Rahway Foundation NJ 2011 990 44 $2,379,702 22-2405094
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Foundation NJ 2010 990 77 $37,472,769 22-2378007
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton Foundation NJ 2010 990 60 $1,634,892 22-2552329

Corporate wealth is poured into foundations, which redistributes political clout, affects national and local economies, and employees so many of us, that attempting to change this business model or commercial basis would seem insane.  However, so is that business model, and we can see it’s not driving just us crazy — but some of their own from this particular group’s example.

I’ve said this before of Rhodes, Carnegie, and Rockefeller:  Ruthless Giants, Magnificent Philanthropists = Our World Today.  (Steel, Oil, Diamonds)….

And, regardless of HOW many health centers they start with their foundation money and whatever the cause, I think it’s time to put some reins on the circumstances allowing insane and genetically similar (i.e, crazy family bloodlines) to gain control of — government, courts, health institutions (PARTICULARLY hospitals), or anything else.

Our Medical assembly-line system is premised on prescriptions, but the basics for the chemical and pharma industries (which are their offshoots) comes, it can be traced, I believe in truth, to one cartel or another — but primarily, the I.G. Farben one, which was international, helped set up Hitler, and prepare the way for World War II.  EVERYTHING that represents, has an inherited consequence in our world (countries, etc.) today — it’s central to the United States Economy.  This includes the Psychiatric Profession, Harvard, you name it.  And it includes the setup of the concept of an entire body of law (“family code”) which is relationship-based, i.e., get these people in front of a professional who can order adjustments…

Johnson & Johnson Company was pushing Risperdal.  (Remember that Maryann Godboldo case in Detroit?)

I looked up a section from JnJ Wikipedia, and found the reference to:

Exposed: Harvard Shrink Gets Rich Labeling Kids Bipolar | Alternet


Jun 17, 2008 – Meet the man who got rich by popularizing bipolar disorder for children. 

Mental health treatment in the United States is now a multibillion-dollar industry, and all the rules of industrial complexes apply. Not only does Big Pharma have influential psychiatrists such as Biederman in their pocket, virtually every mental health institution from which doctors, the press, and the general public receive their mental health information is financially interconnected with Big Pharma. The American Psychiatric Association, psychiatry’s professional organization, is hugely dependent on drug company grants, and this is also true for the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill and other so-called consumer organizations. Harvard and other prestigious university psychiatry departments take millions of dollars from drug companies, and the National Institute of Mental Health funds researchers who are financially connected with drug companie.

The corporate media, dependent on drug company advertising, occasionally reports on egregious scandals, but the corporate media is generally timid in reporting the big picture of how drug companies spread around millions of dollars to make billions of dollars.

There are certainly many troubled and disruptive American children who are sometimes extremely destructive to themselves or others. However, any attempt to understand these kids will be corrupted by financial dependency on drug companies, which have a vested interest in viewing all attentional, emotional, and behavioral difficulties as diseases that can be fixed with drugs

This name is as ubiquitous (“everywhere”) as its products; it needs to preserve a GOOD name to keep up with the family excesses and scandals.

RWJF lecturer

Here’s just a random find a good cause from a Tennessee/Vanderbilt/RWJF program:

The mission of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Center for Health Policy at Meharry Medical College is to increase the diversity of health policy leaders in the social, behavioral, and health sciences, particularly sociology, economics, and political science, who will one day influence health policy at the national level.

But, we have to look at how it got its wealth, and what is expected in return for all the philanthropy — Links to the images at top are within the post.

It also helped to have a wealthy foundation with a kickstart from a wealthy family line pushing the concept and paying the ABA (like the American Bar Association is broke and needs grants…) to promote the concept — which the above post shows, when, and how.  This post may, possibly, show the WHY, and provide a wake-up call that the primary problem America has to solve may not be drug abuse, obesity, or other long-term health issues (like mental illnesses) — but our involvement (our hands are not clean) in putting up with and accommodating an entire nation which has come under commercial, corporate, and the tax-exempt//not tax-exempt laws, which let some have houses and horses to spare, and others, no food to spare.

Inequality is always going to exist.  I’m not saying wipe it out.  I’m saying you couldn’t have these INSANE levels without certain circumstances favorable to them — and that if there is a poster-child for eliminating the individual income tax (and in fact, most other taxes), Johnson & Johnson and its related Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, allegedly philanthropic, but in fact, started with J&J shares (and probably the bulk of its endowment still holding them) might just be it. The term “Philanthropy” conceals that the sources of the philanthropy are often anything but…

Tax-exempt foundations from the start had the long-term and short-term advantage they do over the normal workers whose minds, and lives, don’t have passive income sufficient to keep up with the masterminds. To get a sense, just start reading more nonprofit tax returns, seeing money switch from one to another when under scrutiny; look at printouts of some of them maintaining the “market advantage” and accumulating wealth year after year, simply by starting with enough to make a difference in the beginning. See also short explanation at the bottom of this post.

And WHY all these drugs, drug courts, and Family Courts?

Why are the terms “bipolar” “borderline” “ADHD” and so forth, now commonplace, particularly among youth — and are all those school shootings really about the guns, or are they in general shown to have some antipsychotic or other mind-altering drug-involved behaviors?

Read a few, even a brief few pages on the biography of this insane, bullying, and strange family line who is pushing Rispderdal.  Even Wikipedia names the settlements in state after state….

Inside J&J:  Jersey’s  Wackiest, Wealthiest and Craziest family (Book Review by Richard Aregood/Source of Book Image at top of post)

Woody, a classic irresponsible rich kid, nearly died in various bonehead accidents. Brothers Keith (cocaine overdose) and Willard (motorcycle accident) died at 27 and 23. His daughter Casey, a diabetic, was estranged from her father over her drug use, had a colorful love life with men and women, and died at 30, having failed to take the insulin she needed to live. And he owns the Jets, a splendid soap opera of incompetence.

There is one Johnson man who lusts after the 14-year-old sister of his wife, another who becomes smitten with a much younger Polish chambermaid in his mansion, takes her as his third wife and leaves her his fortune, and yet another who obsessively pursued a long legal battle to deny paternity of his daughter.

Granted, the novelist (Jerry Oppenheimer) he’s reviewing tends to write trashy stuff about the lives of such people — but even so, this particular family’s FOUNDATION has set about to restructure the courts, including through funds to the ABA, and pilot programs in five or six places.

However, I think this particular one tells us a lot about the particular design we have now.

Correlating the Johnson & Johnson wealth with the Robert Wood Johnsons (one of three brothers originally involved, some descendants of the other one/s make the narrative) with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

…with the Unified Family Court  concept, which are created originally as Substance Abuse Treatment Centers (pulling in family and juvenile, dependency and treatment functions into one roof) — see last post.

I’ve known about the Therapeutic Jurisprudence model, which those hauled through it are protesting, and those promoting, are applauding — for a long time.  I knew that Baltimore’s “Center for Families and Children in The Courts” was promoting this under the “Human Ecology Model,” and speculated that Ms. Barbara Babb and Ms Gloria Danziger (heading it up) were possibly/probably AFCC.

I’ve known about this CFCC and the Families Matter Symposium involving Maryland’s famous Judge Bell for a while.  Pre-release Press, you can see they are saying the same thing they have been for YEARS.

Experts to Brainstorm June 24-25 on Lessening Negative Effect of Family Law Proceedings on Children, Families

ABA Family Law Section, UB’s Center for Families, Children and the Courts to Host Families Matter Symposium; Md. Chief Judge Bell Will Deliver Keynote

June 10, 2010
Contact: University Relations
Phone: 410.837.5739

Recognizing that adversarial legal proceedings often have a devastating impact upon children and families involved in contentious* cases, a distinguished group of more than 60 lawyers, judges, academics, mental health professionals, mediators and financial experts will meet at the University of Baltimore on June 24-25 to brainstorm about better ways to tackle family law matters. The Families Matter Symposium is a joint effort of the American Bar Association Section of Family Law and the University of Baltimore’s Center for Families, Children and the Courts. It will launch a multi-year initiative to improve family law processes.

*instead of contentious, why not just use the created trade-word, “high-conflict”? Who’s going to fund it?

Apparently the first one was in 2010, advertised here in an ABA Family Law Section (newsletter)? on page1, left sidebar:

Families Matter” Symposium Summary (July 2010 e-newsletter) [hover cursor for more]
On June 24th and June 25th, the Section of Family Law in partnership with the University of Baltimore, School of Law, held its first “Families Matter Symposium.” Approximately 60 lawyers, judges, psychologists and accountants from all over the country met for two days, at their own expense, in order to develop practices and methodologies to lessen the disruptive impact on Family Law litigation. I am pleased that many of our Section members were present.

The symposium was led by facilitator Joe McNeely. The participants were asked to first identify problems in our system. That was the easy part. Next, we were divided into six working groups. Each group was charged with a particular problem area in Family Law, including domestic and family abuse, financial issues, alternative dispute resolution, lack of resources, and children’s issues.

Well, this got started a few decades ago.

Sure, families are important, but if you follow the money and get some history on who started the propaganda, often it leads to some seriously screwed up ones then projecting their individual family line’s weakness onto the national landscape (which after all, IS their playground) and demanding politics, governments, courts, law schools, or medical institutions (up to Harvard Psychiatric, which comes up in the pose) be re-aligned to guess who’s priorities, regardless of the impact on others.

But I am starting to believe that the whole thing may have been a RWJ brainstorm to help compensate for the craziness of his don’t have to work for a living, can’t stay married — or drug-free — insane family line.  We already know that Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (with its focus on HEALTH) (although it seems its original commercial success was based on war – Civil War, World War I, World War II, etc.) prodded and paid grants to the ABA to promote the UFC model nationwide.

Learning also that this wealth was particularly used to pay off and promote President Bush, Republican causes in particular [see welfare reform], and that one of the family line was intending to restructure West Manhattan in a bid to get the 2012 Olympics to New York, owned the New York Jets, and like his forefathers, was reported in Florida putting the squeeze on a man whose family did NOT come from money, whose real estate smarts he wanted, perhaps it’s not too far a reach that if a Robert Wood Johnson heir WANTS the nation’s courts turned into substance treatment centers (blending with family courts), RWJ GETs the nation’s courts turned into substance treatment centers.

Don’t rule out the concept before reading at least one tax return and about the company and family line involved.

By the way a May, 2013 article in au.IBtimes.com (International Business Times) shows JnJ lost its license to produce its baby powders in India, says the FDA, after a cancer-causing agent ethylene oxide which is used to sterilize things in large-scale operations, was found in 15 batches.  Because it wasn’t checked for residue:

While ethylene oxide can be used for sterilisation, the company did not bother to carry out a test after the process to check the amount of residue in the product. The products are used for new born babies. It is must for the company to follow all measures,” said by FDA joint commissioner KB Shende quoted by Pune Mirror.

What is Ethylene Oxide?

Ethylene Oxide is very important material used in large-scale chemical production. It also produces ethylene glycol, one of the components used in plastics. Ethylene Oxide has been used globally to produce solvents, lubricants, paint thinners and detergents.

How Dangerous Is It?

At room temperature, ethylene oxide is very dangerous; the chemical is flammable, carcinogenic, mutagenic, and irritating. It is an anaesthetic gas with a misleading pleasant smell.

What Effects Can It Do to Humans?

Unprotected and constant exposure to ethylene oxide can cause genetic mutation or DNA alternation which leads to cancer. It can damage the lungs and the cardiovascular system. Physical manifestation after exposure includes headache, vomiting, dizziness, sleep disturbances, leg pain, weakness, stiffness, sweating, liver enlargement and suppression of antitoxic functions of the body

So, who is working regularly with this chemical at the plant?

I’ve posted plenty of tax returns from the site “FoundationCenter.org” on this blog.  How many of them look like this? (in the next to last column):  in other words, in the billions?  (and this is just one of the owned foundations):

Johnson Foundation, Robert Wood, The NJ 2011 990PF 161 $8,967,712,917 22-6029397
Johnson Foundation, Robert Wood, The NJ 2010 990PF 291 $9,199,687,456 22-6029397
Johnson Foundation, Robert Wood, The NJ 2009 990PF 312 $8,490,415,783 22-6029397

(The tax returns are getting more streamlined, I see they’re down to ONLY 161pp)

Where is this money being held –invested in what?  Given to whom?  It’s in Princeton, NJ.

Dividends and interests from securities, $131 million; interest on savings and temporary cash $698K (for some people, that type of INCOME, let alone interest on income, would be a real pipe dream).  Also, they sold some assets, that’s $314 million, net (actual sales was over $2 billion).

OK, in their Asset holdings, under the following categories — which do you think is the largest holdings?  The first? (If so, think again).

  • a Investments-U S and state government obligations (attach schedule)
  • b Investments-corporate stock (attach schedule) . . . .
  • c Investments-corporate bonds (attach schedule). . . .
  • 11Investments-land, buildings, and equipment basis

They are investing $1+billion in corporate stocks, and $394 million in corporate bonds.  In the U.S. Government?  Only holding $81K.  They’re wanting to RUN the US Government, not invest in it.

(I just looked through who they are donating money to.  Interesting where the priorities seem to lie…)

Robert Wood Johnson II inherited $2 million when (age 16) his father died. He dropped out of Rutgers Prep school to manage Johnson & Johnson, which then went on to benefit from this next war as the original had from the Civil War (if I recall it right).  They waterproofed medical adhesive bandage, colored it to match ammunition containers.

At 1942 he became “Brigadier General” and was appointed to Ordnance.  He was appointed a position of authority over the War Plants Corporation (WPC), then SWPC (Smaller War Plants Corps) dealing with contracts, ran into serious trouble for favoring large over smaller, such that the entire Michigan division quit in protest.  He then resigned in 1943, and went back to ruling over J&J, apparently not in  a very good mood…

Interesting, he seems to have been a second-generation autocrat not very good at receiving feedback, including from government.  There were three marriages, towards the end he had to step down from the “SWPC,” went back to J&J, firing some relatives (including his son and nephew) and at his death, having taken care of the children (there were three different marriages, given the times, it seems that wealth helped the transition), and on his death left most of $400,000,000 — to the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, preserving the name of his grandfather. [Wiki seems subjective, but is still interesting.]

Robert Wood Johnson III (son of the first of 3 marriages, above, and an only child)  had 5 children; one died of a cocaine overdose in 1975, and the other in a motorcycle accident.

There is a “Robert Wood Johnson IV.”  Maybe they should try another name….  More on him, below the Foundation Funding….

  • 1936  “In late 1936, he created the Johnson New Brunswick Foundation with 12,000 shares of company stock—worth about $5.4 million today.”
  • 1971  In 1971, Johnson & Johnson, 10,204,377 common shares to the foundation translated into $1.2 billion.
  • 1972 RWJF was formed in 1972 after the death of Robert Wood Johnson II, former chairman of Johnson & Johnson. Its initial funding was roughly $1.2 billion. Today RWJF has an endowment of roughly $9 billion. Due to prudent financial management, the Foundation enjoys the same ‘buying power’ in 2012 as it did at its inception
  • 2013 RWJF intends to award funds [$425 million] in 2013 to hundreds of organizations working to improve health nationally and in dozens of targeted communities. Since its inception in 1972, the Foundation has awarded more than $9 billion in grants, with grantees located in every state in the country.
Casey Johnson and Tila Tequila
Casey Johnson
[both from MTV articles around the time of Casey’s discovery in her Los Angeles apt.]
His daughter Casey died in 2010 of drug overdose in squalid conditions, with her Porsche concealed.  She also had diabetes:  “Spectacularly wealthy and complicated family.”
Longtime friends with socialites like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, Casey actually turned down a role on “The Simple Life.” In 2003, Casey began a very public feud with her aunt, Elizabeth (Libet) Ross Johnson, who is Woody’s only sister. A prominent New York socialite who founded an orphanage in Cambodia, Libet married five times before the age of 40, once briefly to the singer Michael Bolton. In a nasty case of she said/ she said, Casey and Libet battled it out in The New York Post‘s Page Six as the younger Johnson accused her aunt of stealing her boyfriend, John Dee.  . . .
(of an Uncle — RWJ IV’s brother — had a grandfather, who….)
In the early ’70s, for his third marriage, Seward [John Seward Johnson I) wed his Polish cook. More than a decade later, Seward is said to have redone his will with his wife’s help while on his deathbed, leaving her the entirety of his fortune and cutting out his children. His children filed a suit and a three-year-long, ludicrously expensive trial ensued. The children, including Jamie’s father James “Jimmy” Loring Johnson, eventually recouped some of their lost inheritance
RIGHT PHOTO (Casey & Tila)

 Socialite and Paris Hilton companion Casey died in 2010 in Los Angeles at Age 30. (below with fiance “Tila Tequila,” right.  They’d fought recently and Casey’s body wasn’t found for several days).

Johnson, who adopted a young girl, Ava-Monroe, from Kazakhstan in 2007, battled childhood diabetes and co-authored a book on the subject with her father called “Managing Your Child’s Diet.” She was arrested last November on charges of theft after allegedly taking clothing, jewelry and legal documents from an ex-girlfriend.

According to TMZ, unnamed law enforcement sources said Johnson appeared to have been dead for “several days.” Tequila told the site that the two had fought last week and that she’d been unable to reach Johnson on December 29 after the heiress had left her dogs at Tequila’s home.

2013 August 11th article from “The Daily Beast” reviews/comments on a book “Crazy Rich: Power, Scandal & Tragedy inside the Johnson & Johnson Dynasty.” By Emma Garman

. . .The 1968 death of Robert Wood Johnson II, son of a co-founder of Johnson & Johnson, the highly successful chairman of the board for 25 years, and known as the General because of his WWII army rank, augured an especially unfortunate phase. If as a 74-year-old ex-smoker his succumbing to terminal cancer wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, it was an abrupt lesson in the democracy of illness for this tyrannous leader, who expected the world to bend to his iron will.


Meanwhile, his son Bobby, whom he’d rejected for being a fat child, and later feuded with and fired as president of Johnson & Johnson in 1965, was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Despite cutting-edge radiation treatment, he died in December 1970 at age 50. In September 1968, his son Robert Wood “Woody” Johnson III, famous today as the owner of the New York Jets, had broken his back and been pronounced permanently paralyzed. The 21-year-old University of Arizona junior was driving from Tucson to Phoenix with friends.

Another description talked about the family “Excommunication” which related to why he was in Tucson, not on the East Coast running the family business.

Stopping for a bathroom break at an interstate exit, Woody, likely drunk and in pitch darkness, fell backwards off an overpass, hitting the ground 18 feet below. Following surgery, months of intensive care, and a lengthy rehabilitation, he was able to walk again, but with a permanent limp. Two of his younger brothers weren’t so lucky. In 1975, 27-year-old Keith Johnson died after shooting up cocaine. A few weeks later, 23-year-old Billy Johnson was killed in a motorcycle accident in Los Angeles, just two years after receiving his first trust fund check for around $10 million.

None of Bobby’s five children (also surviving Keith and Billy, along with Woody and Libet, is their younger brother Christopher), nor indeed any Johnson since Bobby, has ever worked for the family business, which went public on the New York Stock Exchange in 1944. The General’s ruthless business acumen, the company’s pioneering medical products and health remedies, and its distinctive packagingthe Red Cross logo was brazenly appropriated from American Red Cross founder Clara Barton, who was eventually paid the princely sum of one dollar—would result in unfathomable wealth into perpetuity for every Johnson & Johnson scion. A block of one hundred company shares, which sold for $3,750 in 1944, was worth $12 million by the end of the 20th century, and so for Woody and his siblings, tens of millions of dollars in company stock accrued in trust funds with zero effort on their part.

Other sections of the Johnson family, including the descendants of the General’s younger brother, John Seward Johnson I, are similarly endowed. As a teenager in the early 1900s, Seward was apparently kept as “a sexual prisoner” by a New York socialite, having been abandoned by his parents. After he died, his daughter, Mary Lea—the first infant face on the Baby Powder container, and the recipient of a $100 million trust fund—publicly claimed that he had molested her, a charge that her son, Eric Ryan, believes was a scurrilous concoction of her “flamboyant, publicity-hungry producer husband,” Marty Richards. “My mother was not a stable person,” Ryan told Oppenheimer. “She was heavily into alcohol and painkillers.” In 1976

Mary Lea accused her second husband, a child psychiatrist named Victor D’Arc, of conspiring with his alleged lover—their 32-year-old handyman and chauffeur—to have her murdered so as to obtain the $20 million she’d bequeathed to him in a will.

. . . ….his deep involvement in the GOP  …As Oppenheimer [book author] details, Woody supported both McCain and Romney, providing substantial amounts of his own money as well as soliciting donations from his powerful friends. It was thanks to Woody that the 2008 Republican National Convention’s $10 million shortfall was met. In the run-up to 2012, Woody was often by Romney’s side, hosting $2,500-a-plate breakfasts and accompanying him on a trip to Israel for “meetings.” Oppenheimer observes that the two men, who were born a month apart in 1947, share “the same political philosophies, a similar kind of private equity business,” and are “both intensely secretive, especially about their finances.”

The image above is from another book review, 9/15/2013 by Richard Aregood, a blogs.NJ.com,  (Star-Ledger)

Inside J&J: Jersey’s wackiest, wealthiest and craziest family: 

. . .a family so wealthy that not even the most egregiously insane or irresponsible behavior spanning multiple generations could slow them down. ~ There are so many Johnsons, doing an amazing variety of loony, sad, tragic, stupid, horny and bewildering things and so many lawsuits in which they sue one another and seemingly anybody in range, . . .

The fortune and the story begins in New Brunswick, where the three Johnson brothers, after having conned Clara Barton out of the Red Cross trademark for $1, built a business selling everything from surgical supplies to home birthing kits to Johnson’s Baby Powder and Band-Aids. The money poured in. And the brilliantly designed trust funds have kept the family in mansions to this day, no matter how many ill-considered marriages they may indulge in.

In addition to the usual rich people primo real estate in Manhattan and various equally palatial warm weather retreats, some of the Johnson money went over time to build mansions across New Jersey…”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
More Robert Wood Johnson IV, just for a scope of influence (2004 article from the RWJ IV Wiki):

Behind the Jets, a Private Man Pushes His Dream (RWJ IV)

By DUFF WILSONPublished: November 11, 2004

THE billionaire known as Woody looks out from his penthouse on the 49th floor of the Trump International Hotel and Tower on a Manhattan that he hopes to transform.

He is one of the biggest Republican fund-raisers in the nation, and his grateful allies – President Bush, Gov. George E. Pataki and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg – make up a rare triple play of powerful support.

He is offering $800 million toward a $1.4 billion stadium for the Jets, the team he bought for $635 million in 2001, unheard-of sums for either a stadium or a team without one. He wants government approvals and $600 million in city and state financing to seal the deal. He is also the glue in far-reaching plans to redevelop the far West Side of Manhattan and to attract the 2012 Olympics.

. . .When you have a billion and the small partner at 25 percent doesn’t have it, you can sort of run over him and do what you want, can’t you?” said a former business partner, Michael Richard Spielvogel. “His money and his power ran away from me.”

After moving to New York in 1984, Johnson concentrated on managing his money and rearing a family. He also became a leading contributor to philanthropic causes, particularly foundations working to promote research into diabetes and lupus, autoimmune diseases that have afflicted two of his three children.

He became a leading donor, as well, to the Republican Party and to individual candidates, building alliances that could serve him well as he tries to build a public consensus behind the Jets’ highly disputed proposal for a new stadium and convention hall, which would be by far the most expensive stadium built in the United States.

. . . .Problems in Florida

Spielvogel, a hustling real estate developer from Long Island, was Johnson’s partner for four years in ventures named Woodric Enterprises, after their middle names. . . . .

“He comes in and first thing out of his mouth was, ‘My family and I checked you out, and I want to do ‘bidness’ with you,’ ” Spielvogel said. “He said, ‘You didn’t have any family money; you did it on your own.’ And basically: ‘Teach me. I’ll give you 10 percent of the first deal and 25 percent of every deal thereafter if you just sell your operations in New York and move to Florida.’ And that’s basically what I did.

“He was the money. I was the brains.” . . . . 

Spielvogel had no spending authority. Woodric also developed a condo project in Coral Springs, north of Fort Lauderdale, and a Holiday Inn near Boca Raton’s beaches.

Two condo buyers sued over what they described as fraudulent or misleading sales activity; one won $5,480 and the other settled for an undisclosed amount. Johnson’s role was unclear from court records. He was personally sued for $1,394 in unpaid dues at the luxury Corinthian Condo in Broward County, where he lived, in 1976. A judge found Johnson in contempt of court in the case. Further details could not be learned, because the court file has been purged, the lawyer for the condominium is dead and Johnson declined to be interviewed.

Spielvogel held a nonvoting 25 percent share in Woodric and worked for $700 a week, he said, when Latman persuaded Johnson to squeeze him out of the business. (Latman could not be reached for comment.) Spielvogel said he had been forced to sell out for less than he thought his share was worth because he needed money for food and rent.

“Basically I was strangled, financially strangled,” Spielvogel said.

But then he filed an affidavit in Broward County saying he had given up his interest in one real estate project “under extreme duress and coercion inflicted on me by Robert Wood Johnson IV.”  Later, Spielvogel said, he accepted $55,000 to give up his 25 percent share in Woodric and withdraw the charges of coercion. Woodric later turned out to be worth many millions, Spielvogel said. Today, he said of Johnson: “I wish him well. I don’t begrudge him anything. I’ve moved on with my life, he’s moved on with his life.”  Johnson has cut off all contact. In 1998, Spielvogel phoned to say that his daughter, whom Johnson had known as a baby, had died. Johnson did not call back.


When I look at how (this billionaire, typical of the very wealthy) family history — a daughter has diabetes, so somehow Congress is dedicating $750 million to diabetes research (unprecedented), ditto research on “lupus” (which another daughter had).  His brother died from cocaine overdose — could that be in part why RWJohnson Foundation wants the nation? to restructure ALL courts into substance treatment intervention centers?  Also troubling — the amount of money available from (essentially, the profits of war — war creates lots of injuries and contracts for product) — the influence on the Republican party during the time leading up to revising the welfare system.
More from Wikipedia, on Johnson & Johnson in particular.  NOT necessarily the nice guys, although who can protest popularizing antiseptic bandaging (idea:  from someone else, Joseph Lister).    


Since the 1900s, the company has pursued steady diversification. It added consumer products in the 1920s and created a separate division for surgical products in 1941 which became Ethicon. It expanded into pharmaceuticals with the purchase ofMcNeil Laboratories, Inc., Cilag, and Janssen Pharmaceutica, and into women’s sanitary products and toiletries in the 1970s and 1980s. In recent years, Johnson & Johnson has expanded into such diverse areas as biopharmaceuticals, orthopedic devices, and Internet publishing. Recently, Johnson & Johnson has purchased Pfizer’s Consumer Healthcare department. The transition from Pfizer to Johnson and Johnson was completed December 18, 2006.

Johnson & Johnson has been consistently named one of the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers by Working Mother.[10]

Along with Gatorade, Johnson & Johnson is one of the founding sponsors of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association.

Headquarters: [“1960s ….We’ll Stay if You’ll Gentrify...”]

The company has historically been located on the Delaware and Raritan Canal in New Brunswick. The company considered moving its headquarters out of New Brunswick in the 1960s, but decided to stay in the town after city officials promised to gentrify downtown New Brunswick by demolishing old buildings and constructing new ones….

Shareholders lawsuit[edit]
In 2010 a group of shareholders sued the Johnson and Johnson management board for failing to take action to prevent serious failings and illegalities since the 1990s, including manufacturing problems, bribing officials, covering up adverse effects and misleading marketing for unapproved uses. The judge initially dismissed the case in September 2011 due to the high standard of evidence required to implicate the board members, but given serious concerns allowed for the plaintiffs to re-submit their case with more particulars.[29] In 2012 Johnson and Johnson proposed a settlement with the shareholders, whereby the company would institute new oversight quality and compliance procedures binding for five years.[30]

Marketing of Risperdal[edit]
Juries in several US states have found J&J guilty of hiding what it knew about the adverse effects of its antipsychotic medication Risperdal (chemical name Risperidone), produced by its unit Janssen Pharmaceuticals, in order to promote it to doctors and patients as better than cheaper generics. Also, Risperdal is used to treat Schizophrenia, but J&J falsely marketed it to nursing home professionals and physicians for treating patients with dementia.[31] States that have awarded damages include Texas ($158 million), South Carolina ($327 million), Louisiana ($258 million), and most notably Arkansas ($1.2 billion) – the Attorney General stated: “These two companies put profits before people, and they are rightfully being held responsible for their actions”; however the drug giant’s share price barely dipped on the announcement.[32]

In addition, the United States Department of Justice has been investigating J&J’s Risperdal sales practices since 2004, and in 2010 joined a whistleblowers suit against the company for illegally marketing Risperdal through Omnicare, the largest company supplying pharmaceutical drugs to nursing homes.[33][34] The allegations include that J&J were warned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) not to promote Risperdal as effective and safe for elderly patients, when in fact it is associated with early death, but they did so, in that they in fact bribed Omnicare pharmacists tens of millions of dollars to promote the drug to care home physicians for this unapproved use. A settlement has been provisionally agreed upon with J&J of around $2.2 billion, for this and related allegations with Omnicare, having already settled for around $100 million.[35]

Johnson and Johnson have also been subject to congressional investigations over secret payments and misleading ghost written articles given to leading psychiatrists promoting its products, notably Professor Joseph Biederman and his paediatric bipolar disorder research unit, which they privately stated was to “move forward the commercial goals of J.& J.” and “generate and disseminate data supporting the use of risperidone in” children and adolescents.[36]

Exposed: Harvard Shrink Gets Rich Labeling Kids Bipolar | Alternet

Jun 17, 2008 – Meet the man who got rich by popularizing bipolar disorder for children.  What Dick Cheney is to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, psychiatrist Joseph Biederman is to the  about Biederman, “He single-handedly put pediatric bipolar disorder on  Biederman (and two of his colleagues in the psychiatry department 

[[THIS pretty well summarizes the situation, above….  Johnson  & Johnson of course one of those mentioned.]]

Not mentioned in the summary;  This was at Harvard Dept. of Psychiatry? Biederman also has a Massachusetts General Hospital Address:

Harvard Department Of Psychiatry

PEDIATRIC PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH UNIT Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital

Joseph Biederman, M.D. (Program Director), Thomas Spencer, M.D., Tim Wilens, M.D. (Associate Directors), Janet Wozniak, M.D., Dina Hirshfeld-Becker, Ph.D., Larry Seidman, Ph.D., Stephen Faraone, Ph.D., Alysa Doyle, Ph.D., Ellen Braaten, Ph.D., Eric Mick, Sc.D., Robert Doyle, M.D., Ross Greene, Ph.D., Michael Monuteaux, B.A., Mary Ann Johnson, R.N., M.S., F.P.N.P., Louise Cohen, Pharm.D.

The Pediatric Psychopharmacology Research Unit seeks to advance the well being of children and families afflicted with mental illness through clinical care education and research. In particular, ongoing controlled studies are currently evaluating the outcome of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in boys, ADHD girls and their siblings, children at risk for anxiety disorder, and methylphenidate treatment for adult ADHD.

(It goes on and on.  The studies which aren’t sponsored by NIH, have first, several by “Stanley Foundation” and/or such notables as Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Shire….Alza Corporation…)

Use of the Red Cross symbol[edit]

Flag of the Red Cross
Further information: Emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
#Use of the emblems

Johnson & Johnson registered the Red Cross as a U.S. trademark for “medicinal and surgical plasters” in 1905 and has used the design since 1887.[37].

The Geneva Conventions, which reserved the Red Cross emblem for specific uses, were first approved in 1864 and ratified by the United States in 1882; however, the emblem was not protected by U.S. law for the use of the American Red Cross and the U.S. military until after Johnson & Johnson had obtained its trademark. A clause in this law (now 18 U.S.C. 706) permits pre-existing uses of the Red Cross, such as Johnson & Johnson’s, to continue.

A declaration made by the U.S. upon its ratification of the 1949 Geneva Conventions includes a reservation that pre-1905 U.S. domestic uses of the Red Cross, such as Johnson & Johnson’s, would remain lawful as long as the cross is not used on “aircraft, vessels, vehicles, buildings or other structures, or upon the ground,” uses which could be confused with its military uses.[38] This means that the U.S. did not agree to any interpretation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions that would overrule Johnson & Johnson’s trademark. Even as it disputes a recent lawsuit by Johnson & Johnson, the American Red Cross continues to recognize the validity of Johnson & Johnson’s trademark.[39]

In August 2007, Johnson & Johnson filed a lawsuit against the American Red Cross (ARC), demanding that the charity halt the use of the red cross symbol on products it sells to the public, though the company takes no issue with the charity’s use of the mark for non-profit purposes.[40] In May 2008, the judge in the case dismissed most of Johnson & Johnson’s claims, and a month later the two organizations announced a settlement had been reached in which both parties would continue to use the symbol.[41]

Boston Scientific lawsuits[edit]
Beginning in 2003, Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific have been involved in a series of litigations involving patents covering heart stent medical devices. Both parties claimed that the other had infringed upon their patents. The litigation was settled once Boston Scientific agreed to pay $716 million to Johnson & Johnson in September 2009 and an additional $1.73 billion in February 2010.[42]

Here’s a pdf to “Nazi Hydra in America:  The Suppressed History of a Century

Inside this book, which I’ve mentioned before, is a chapter on Corporations>, and how at least some (like, Jefferson) of USA founders understood the dangers they could and would pose. Corporations exist by permit FROM the political jurisdiction they were in, and could’ve and should’ve been more limited in scope (purpose, rather than for “anything”) and possibly duration, thus giving people who do NOT form corporations, but instead choose to, or have to, work for them — at least a fighting chance.

Add to this the income tax on most, and tax-exemption for some, plus the ability to deduct EXPENSES from REVENUES for corporations to reduce what’s taxed — and the lack of that ability to any significant degree for individuals who don’t incorporate — creates the disparity favoring the businesses.

Add to this, corporations can be multinational, multi-jurisdiction within the United States, but while I United States citizens CAN hold other nationality citizen ship (i.e., “dual-citizenship”), WITHIN the United States, one has to reside in a specific state (not two or more) at least legally, to do business (and so as to be taxed) in that state. However this is not true of corporations, including tax-exempt corporations. They can register to do business in all 50 states, legally. Try that with a driver’s license, a marriage license or an individual tax return!

for lack of limitation in time, purpose and scope. I think in this insane behavior by several generations of the Johnsons, we can see a good example why. Rather than solve their own problems, including the problems which relate in part to just not having to WORK for a living in generations II, III, and IV (although obviously many did) and drug addictions, family fights — cutting kids out of the inheritance, in one case (Mary Lea), incest; sexual false imprisonment of an abandoned teenager by a rich socialite (that was her father, that she said molested her from ages 9 to 15), and all kinds of substance abuse —

We need another way to live and do business, other than in the shadows of these multinational corporations and their drug-dealing, lying, stealing, cheating, can’t even get along with themselves, lifestyles.

The Johnson & Johnson wealth poured into political parties (here, Republican) then I happen to know has created a court system which likes to, through welfare reform, lecture the poor about THEIR work ethic, and THEIR family structures?

Isn’t this called “projecting”? We just happen to be the screen — this crowd derived the images from their own social and genetic circles…

C.A. Fitts called it an economic tapeworm. I think she’s right.

Bypassing the Legal Process in Baltimore: HOW and for WHOM Maryland got its “Family Divisions” in 1998.

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THIS POST IS: Bypassing the Legal Process in Baltimore: HOW and for WHOM Maryland got its “Family Divisions” in 1998. (Short-link ending “-2cT” and at about 9,200 words, not including this update. First published, I believe, on or about Dec. 24, 2013; this update with a bit of preview & Why the Update section, August 3, 2019).

Includes sections labeled and/or focused on:

~|~> So, Looking Back on 15 yrs of Maryland’s Family Courts. (1998, referenced in 2013)  ~|~> The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Factor: Who is RWJF? ~|~> UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE SCHOOL OF LAW**  ~|~> UNIFIED FAMILY COURTS


BALTIMORE (ColdHardFacts) ~Why Baltimore’s CAFRs are MIA – Audit Baltimore’ (cf Updating a Dec. 2013 FCM post on ‘Bypassing the Legal Process’ in Baltimore..” (short-linke ends “-2cT”) (to create Maryland’s Family Division) ~ 2019Aug3 Sat

Bonus (actually, related) material:  “Why Baltimore’s CAFRs are MIA — ‘Audit Baltimore Tells Us’” (links to my other blog; see title.  Internal links circle back to an audit (on this blog) of a Mentoring of Prisoners grant, and how about $1.7B of child support over three years hadn’t been collected when the tools to collect it existed (per Office of Legislative Affairs), how some city agencies hadn’t been audited for three decades), etc.   But the “CAFR MIA” link just refers to my having been routinely looking for key city CAFRs (state by state) and found I wasn’t the only one questioning why Baltimore’s latest ones (due) just couldn’t be found:

LAST PREVIOUS REVISION WAS DEC. 24, 2013. See “updated” block immediately below:

UPDATED (format, add title, and this introduction explaining why) Aug. 3, 2019

This older post goes with a page I’m featuring when I published the “Pages” menu (all 58 titles) and made it top-most of (so far) eleven sticky posts on the blog, under the “Current Posts, Most Recent on Top” link. (which is actually a static home page, now one of two).  (see 58 More Essays (Pages) on Essentials** of the Family Court Arena. **IMHO, as expressed 2009-2019. (Published July 31, 2019; Short-link ends “-ar9”)) went looking for this post intending to include it there. It has more content and background than the page). Naturally, I want it formatted respectably.

It seems at least one more (the one just before this) post should be linked to that page, now that I’m again highlight Baltimore and Maryland’s handling of family court-connected situations and practices, still, in summer 2019).  Also, Baltimore has always been a key state for reasons involved here, and for “responsible fatherhood” activities and certain organizations too.  

Also recommended (From Dec., 2013), in this order:

Eavesdropping into an Indoctrination Center, Hindsight from a Pilot Project Outpost (First publ. Dec. 22, 2013; Updated (format) Aug. 3, 2019). (short-link ends -2cI, about 12,700 words)
… and…
Johnson [and] Johnson, Robert Wood Johnson (I, II, III and IV) — This Crowd and JUSTICE Reform??? [Published Dec. 25, 2013] (short-link ending: “-2dp” | about 9,000 words)(<~this part added 2019).  (The ‘[and]’ because the title doesn’t retain “&” character when I use it//LGH)

Also, because right now (late June through mid-December, 2019 in Maryland) testimony is being heard in front of a new Governor’s Study Workgroup (appointed 2019) regarding how to better incorporate trauma-based services (ACES) into custody decision-making.  (Searchable on Twitter; I’ve referenced it with some links and media, may post, so not incorporating a “mini-post” here). This time, doesn’t seem to be particularly about the custody decision-making process itself, but those involved both on the work group and (first session) testifying before it should be noted (along with their particular a la carte recipe — failing to incorporate reporting on responsible fatherhood (and healthy marriage) welfare reform, failing to report on key organization “Association of Family and Conciliation Courts” or any of its chapters, etc.). In following up on this and some names I did not personally recognize from the field (UBaltimore School of Law involved), I unearthed yet more evidence of who pushed the family court divisions in this area, and how it was done.  Like many activists, they tend to mutually boast about their own accomplishments, one easy way to find further details.

ABOUT THAT: A previous study or work-group had been appointed in 2013; a current member of the 2019 workgroup which had previously been (as to the organization, not the individual) mostly an attendee of the other sessions.

The question arises of how much of any executive-branch commission, task force, work group, or study group is staffed for to validate a pre-determined or foregone conclusion (i.e., rubber-stamping).

But in the case of setting up the family law divisions in this area — it doesn’t seem to have been one.  They really had to be rammed through; and it took several years.  Read about it (what I knew as of late 2013) below.//LGH Aug. 2, 2013)


This blog is published as-is, both formatting and editing. In my own defense (from its embarrassing look) — I have to type in half HTML, half “Visual” mode, with frequent “Preview” mode to check and correct… WordPress “Visual” mode is NOTHING like actual — as to paragraph breaks, spacing, and even font and line-height, unless I manually (copy & paste, or type in) controlling HTML style codes.

Meanwhile, I am engrossed in the subject matter, and this work is neither contracted nor hourly. It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m posting anyhow.

Major lesson? Want justice? It has to be economic justice, and through self-education (that means, put one’s time into something else), unless the country gets out of the business of war, which basically causes business contracting with the US Government to wage it, which then with this wealth (and while soldiers die on both side, and landscapes are blown up, new drugs are used for warfare and then to repair the injuries and trauma from war) foundations enable the wealth from war to be used for PR and — as it actually turned out, probably, in this case — a certain foundation wants the nation to function differently, which it has been.  (Oh, the benefits of Billionaire BIG).   

Also whatever illness one of the fortune-family’s kids have, that’s the disease that gets the research for the cure (how about healthier lifestyles and less poisoned food supplies, and fewer drugs for us all?)

Generation IV of the exact same heir’s name, ALL of them knowing they have enough wealth to throw it around and make the rules, is behaving badly, pays off the ABA to set up a center to create Unified Family Courts (including this one in Baltimore), the ABA keeps up the good work, and eventually a judge concedes.  [Read the whole article for another take on how wealth is acquired; the word “strangulation” was used in this one, coercion, under duress signing over businesses one helped develop, etc.]  Bullies into Healthcare, Health Research and Family Justice….

The wealth has also probably affected the family line, which contains a number of high-profile (that’s the level they exist at) celebrity disasters, reported in 2010 when one of the daughters died of drug overdose in squalid conditions.   Family members cut themselves in or out of the business, or wealth, affecting future generations of their own, only larger-league.

The courts also order families into therapy they don’t need; sometimes involving drugs (i.e. anti-psychotics). The foundation just so happened to be a major pharmaceutical, one of the world’s largest. And from 1988ff a major contributor to Republican party, causes, and candidates, particularly future President Bush.

And we expect JUSTICE from this model?Merry Christmas indeed, and for my NEXT Christmas, I’d like a website with an embedded style chart I don’t have to do manually, my children to understand some of these truths, AND I’d like to see them again too, would be nice…. might even re-instated the practice of observing or participating in holidays, MAYBE.  If you’re not up for the narratives, just look at the links….

Expanding and supplementing the theme from the last post; links to documents gave me more understanding of WHY we have family divisions, by looking at their backers.
The setting up of new, and different subject matter jurisdictions in America has been going on for a long time — problem-solving courts, drug courts, mental health courts, etc.  The “Genius” of the Unified Family Courts (or of Family Courts themselves, unified or not) is that now ANY adults with children, i.e., about half the population of the United States perhaps — can now be funneled through the courthouses, being economically dinged for services on the way.    It’s a way to substitute the decriminalization of (crimes) and replace it with behavioral health/service-based language in the name of helping “The FAMILY” (versus, individual rights, due process, etc.).

RE:  Barbara Babb, Judge Bell, and Baltimore — a convocation of “Bs,” apparently helped pull off a Big Stunt in the creation of the Family Division, by Judicial Administrative Rule, in only 1998.

Ms. Babb, a truly committed Therapeutic Jurisprudence Law (Associate) Professor,  proselytizing on the first 15 years, let me in on how yet another state got its family divisions, subject matter grabs, and dminishing of the concept of “domestic violence” or “domestic abuse” as a non-legal matter.

Sometimes it takes a while of focusing on things that catch your attention, then coming back later, with more understanding on your part (from having continued to read, look, see more data) and sometimes, changes on the website’s part as well.

Eavesdropping into an Indoctrination Center, Hindsight from a Pilot Project Outpost (First publ. Dec. 22, 2013; Updated (format) Aug. 3, 2019).

with 3 comments

THIS POST IS, with title lengthened to show when first published (Dec. 2013) and when last updated (Aug. 2019):

Eavesdropping into an Indoctrination Center, Hindsight from a Pilot Project Outpost (First publ. Dec. 22, 2013; Updated (format) Aug. 3, 2019). (short-link ends -2cI, about 12,700 words)

A nearby post I just updated Aug. 3, 201, and referenced on the top sticky post on the blog (created recently to post all my PAGES (vs.POSTS like these) titles + links full-width, vs. tightly wrapped on a narrow sidebar widget) (click on next link for why) was and still is called:

Bypassing the Legal Process in Baltimore: HOW and for WHOM Maryland got its “Family Divisions” in 1998. (Short-link ending “-2cT” and at about 9,200 words, not including this update. First published, I believe, on or about Dec. 24, 2013; this update with a bit of preview & Why the Update section, August 3, 2019).

Also recommended, if you can handle the indignant tone as I was at the time discovering and processing all this information:


Eavesdropping into an Indoctrination Center, Hindsight from a Pilot Project Outpost (short-link ends -2cI)
Once the process becomes clear, it’s easy to see in operation.  AGAIN — the NONPROFIT and CENTERS (clearinghouses, you name it) system of communications — laterally — is replacing the jurisdiction-related representative government, if it hasn’t already.

The Indoctrination Center is at UBaltimore School of Law, where concepts like Therapeutic Jurisprudence Promotion and Unified Family Courts are being taught to new law students (Student Fellows) (year, 2013).

Unbelievable.  Listen in to the fake conversations…

The Hindsight from a Pilot Projectassistance obtained in this project ca. 2002 — is (to date still in motion) at an economically depressed and, it turns out, educationally disadvantaged region of Pennsylvania, Lackawanna County.  They are related.

So, you might want to read post one, and see how one tax-evading GAL was spat out, and got a settlement agreeing their own tax fraud wasn’t over $80,000 [leaving the program enabling fraudsters intact, from what we can tell]. I am showing you portions of the manufacturing and of the product delivery sections of this UFC family-relations-assembly line.  I added material (1/1/2014) on inspiration — probably not the best idea – but showing the progressive encroachment from the Supreme Court level and the Presiding Family Court Judge level, of private business interests sold as “in the best interests” of the children.

I find it empowering –and wise — to see the process of having these destructive systems set in place.  It’s very easy to see once you become familiar with the HOW, the WHO, and the WHERE.  For the end goal? Usually, profit, but also, the undermining of the rule of law and substituting for it, the rulings of mental health experts. AFCC told each other this back in the 1970s, and the public, safely confident that most people were NOT paying close attention to the civil servant-nonprofit sector.  I want that to change!

Read the rest of this entry »