Let's Get Honest! Absolutely Uncommon Analysis of Family & Conciliation Courts' Operations, Practices, & History

Identify the Entities, Find the Funding, Talk Sense!

Where “First Five Years Fund” and the Manic Push for ever more: Universal Preschool/EARLY Head Start meets the National Fatherhood Initiative’s purposes within TANF. A closer look at perhaps WHY the NGA (incl. former California – Republican – Gov. Pete Wilson) was so excited about all this in the 1990s. See also Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological THEORY of Human Development @ Cornell, and (along with Yale Child Study Center), its influence on the field of Child Development [Orig. Oct 2016; Now, Feb. 2018]

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ANY post (or page) may be further edited (as in, condensed, or expanded, or both) after publishing. Blogger’s privilege!

First published Feb. 27, 2018.  In revision now/I may move a segment. Feb. 16, 2020 as looking to quote parts of its overlong self, sensing a need to re-post the basic themes. Original content expressed a segment might be moved soon anyway.  I’m moving it, just two years later…This segment considerably shortens this post.  Two (now being) removed sections are marked, ( are non-consecutive on this post.)
This post also contains a section (then current events) on the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School  in Florida. //LGH Feb. 16, 2020.

~ ~ ~

This post is, “Where “First Five Years Fund” and the Manic Push for ever more: Universal Preschool/EARLY Head Start meets the National Fatherhood Initiative’s purposes within TANF. A closer look at perhaps WHY the NGA (incl. former California – Republican – Gov. Pete Wilson) was so excited about all this in the 1990s. See also Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological THEORY of Human Development @ Cornell, and (along with Yale Child Study Center), its influence on the field of Child Development”  [Short-link ends “-4It”]

PREVIOUSLY, I wrote: “The post-publication expanded tan section/s above MAY BE moved to a follow-up post. {{2/28/2018}}”

Now {{3/6/2019}}, that “post-publication expanded tan section/s” HAS BEEN moved to a follow-up post, for the time being, in draft status. I’ve left a link (the next one you see) here, but unless it is actually published, that link will redirect to WordPress’s “best-guess” alternate post. I also see that substantial material related to what I just moved, remains on this post, below, with images, quotes and more.

It will take more time to consider whether, and if so how much more, to break up and “reallocate” sections of this post. However, the initial extraction moved some material on groups and professionals still under discussion (on sociomedia) and associated with current headlines around the family courts and reunification camps (etc.) visually closer to the top.  Its title, for now (with the link) reads:

A Health Institute with a VERY Healthy financial profile, a Network to Build Healthy Places, and (WHOSE?) Purpose-Built Communities, a Charter School, a Youth Group — and a civil grand jury about the finances of some of the aforesaid (short-link ends “-9w1”, about 1,000 words as moved 3/6/2019 and originally posted as an intro 2/27/2018).  [[Very short post is still in draft.  This link will be repeated below section to be moved Feb. 2020…]]

Among the topics and names I wanted closer to the top (while explaining that there is a historical context to the development of psychology, the push for early education and a manic need to put almost everyone (pre-school through adulthood and parenthood, and all those who handle or train them throughout society) through some form of indoctrination and training to be run by the psych/behavioral health/mental health/social science, etc., experts — which Urie Bronfenbrenner at Cornell (and, Cornell), as well as the New School for Social Research certainly demonstrate — are some interesting aspects, affiliations of living psychologists:  Michael E. Lamb, Elizabeth Loftus + Stephen Ceci, not to mention the psychologist/author/speaker Richard Warshak.


Early Intervention Can Improve Low-Income Children’s Cognitive Skills and Academic Achievement,” April 22, 2004 footnote, by APA, found on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Wikipedia (2019), still admits that National Head Start began amid speculation without “field testing,” and remains a major laboratory experiment which (at least on this page) still only concludes that such intervention “CAN” help although results may disappear with time.

[Next four images added to the post during 2020 update.  Reference and link were in the original. Format:  two-up image gallery, size “medium.”]

It also shows that of the 13 people appointed by Sargent Shriver, only 3 were developmental psychologists (a novel idea at the time?) and of those three, Bronfenbrenner apparently convinced the other two (including Edward F. Zigler,** who I just realized has died last month (Feb. 2019) at the age of 88 to expand categories of those involved to include parents and community.  The words “speculation” “notion” and “lack of research” are still there, while the names of the non-developmental-psychologists (i.e., the other 10 appointees in different fields) are not.  (**Pls. read: a fairly thorough explanation of his key influence over the decades, including at a Yale Center (supported by the Bush Foundation (in Minnesota), and positions in the predecessor to “Administration for Children and Families.”  Influence extended over several Presidential administrations. Per the APA 2004 article (link, above), Zigler had protested the intent to take Head Start national before results were proved, but managed to get wording in to make sure that research on results was part of the program — thus turning Head Start into a massive educational research experiment, as well as service provision.

Leading up to the decision (by Shriver) to appoint a planning council, among others named in the 2004 APA article was “Martin Deutsch.”  His 2002 Obituary (“Dr. Martin Deutsch, an Innovator in Education, Dies at 76“) (New York Times, by Anahad O’Connor, July 5, 2002) shows how a developmental institute under NY Medical School merged to become the NYU School of Education — and his prior military experience.

~ ~ ~ ~ [Next images go with the text below, not above…] ~ ~ ~ ~

Michael E. Lamb on “FatherhoodGlobal” website, viewed 2018Oct22

Michael Lamb (Wiki) doesn’t say much but shows fatherhood focus and expert witness testimony (Calif Prop 8 & more)

FAMILY INITIATIVE …#10445272 formed Oct 2016) working with the Cowans (UCBerkeley, focus “Fatherhood”) + Michael Lamb (Yale grad, psychologist at UCambridge, “The Science of Fatherhd|Fatherhood Global).. (same Michael Lamb who publishes alongside R. Warshak). [[Screenshot taken Oct. 22, 2018. My original post including the above image may be around that time also//LGH, 3/6/2019]

UPDATE NOTES:  Paragraphing seems to have been lost in the next section.  I added some back in, but am considering re-posting a slimmed-down and cleaned up version of this post and so won’t correct every instance.//LGH Feb. 16, 2020.

In reviewing a certain APA-sponsored publication (Psychology, Public Policy and the Law) now headed by the University of Cambridge (UK) psychologist, fatherhood specialist (apparently) and Richard Warshak-supporter, Michael Lamb, I again briefly looked up Elizabeth Loftus and learned more about the University of California-Irvine’s new (2008) School of Law, (<==timeline) a public law school that many were excited about for the opportunity of a “blank slate” to fill with top experts, and a progressive platform.  Innnovative Approach, interdisciplinary focus, experiential education, “The Ideal Law School for the 21st Century.” (Read Here)

Always good to review.

A long list of founding donors (dated 2012) is headed by Donald Bren Foundation (Bren owns The Irvine Company). Joan Irvine Smith is great-granddaughter of founder of the Irvine Company; one of those founding donors is James Irvine Swinden (LA TImes 2016; Joan Irvine Smith donating her impressionist art collection to UCI; J.I. Swinden (lawyer) was also running the art museum since the 1990s, although he got his start in real estate.Loftus, though her main field was not law, already at UCI, was  “Founding Faculty.”  (UCI Law Review, Vol:1 Issue 1, see page 46, Footnote 101. (link also posted on the school main website, “History” page).

The first official Dean, Erwin Chemerinsky, is now at UC Berkeley.

Significance:  [Elizabeth Loftus’] specialization includes “False Memory.”

For the three images above, I searched my own blog media library (already uploaded screenshots) for “Lamb” and do not remember which posts they appeared on (Search function upper right would show).Meanwhile,  please note that now “The Future of Children” (Publication involving centers at Princeton University under Sara McLanahan (married to a well-known professor/colleagues in similar fields, at Columbia University)+ Brookings Institution (Haskins, Sawhill) cites among its partners the exact center where Lamb (also leading an Applied Developmental Psychology Group at Sidney Sussex College of the University of Cambridge (which finally admitted women undergraduates only in the early 1970s, for a historic college in a historic university dating back centuries) — shows links to the UK.  And a Swiss foundation formed by a German-born man whose family business backgrounds includes coffee and chocolate dynasties. (Klaus J. Jacobs).I’ve Tweeted some of this information: follow me @LetUsGetHonest and look for it (I usually include links with images, or images that display urls in the top margins). “Fields within fields within fields” of relationships.” (<– look for that subtitle there, but note: the overall topic is Zionism and Israeli psy-ops influencing US Middle East policy– certainly not my area! Also note, I only recently ran across this link (sociomedia) but felt the short description there expresses what I’ve separately observed, as applies here and described in this blog. His terms like “non-linear” and “stable across time and space” (generations) I’ve already seen, as well as (especially from 2012 explorations) how key leadership in the field of psychology often has military experience, and got plenty of practice upon both survivors of war.  What the author has to say about how such operations have no place in an open society is right.). While I have read most of that blog (book draft, not that long) because it’s interesting, my key interest is remains on how such values and practices overall turn basic existence into the USA into learning to survive tactics of hidden warfare upon basic elements of life itself, including exercise of legal choice among available, sensible, and fair options in work, housing, and relationships which should NOT be dictated from a distant and unresponsive oligarchy which cannot even line up its policies with the US (or state) constitutions when it comes to subject matter, or jurisdiction.  That APPEARS to be what we’ve had for at least a half century (but likely more, and I put a key turning point, 1913).  All of this, apparently, is just collegial networking among academics who know more than most parents and ESPECIALLY more than most mothers, how all people NOT in their own social classes and circles ought to raise and educate [our] young, and for many such mothers, how we must allegedly protect them before, during and after exiting dangerously violent relationships, etc. For the benefit of certain fields of study and their professors/researchers, often under the cause “Child Well-being.”  (This sarcastic tone — more below — added March, 2019.//LGH).

THIS POST AS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED (with possible unintentional font changes) starts here:

For every post (so far, the count is 751), there are one or more posts in draft.  I sometimes remember material researched and put assembled, written up in a post, as having been published, then am reminded, belatedly while referencing in a subsequent one years later, yes it was written, but no, it wasn’t actually published

For example, this post, “Where “First Five Years Fund” and the Manic Push for ever more: Universal Preschool/EARLY Head Start meets the National Fatherhood Initiative’s purposes within TANF. A closer look at perhaps WHY the NGA (incl. former California – Republican – Gov. Pete Wilson) was so excited about all this in the 1990s. See also Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological THEORY of Human Development @ Cornell, and (along with Yale Child Study Center), its influence on the field of Child Development”  I see was first written around the time of our most recent U.S. Presidential Election in Fall (mid-October) 2016, but didn’t make it out of draft status then.  

Around mid-February, 2018, I discovered (ironically, in a Winter 2016 publication on a Fall 2015 “Family Transitions” conference in Maryland) some key connections between the two women leading the “Centers” (one, a nonprofit, the other, apparently not a distinct entity, but housed in a public university, “UBaltimore” School of Law) which stated they’d both studied under a Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner. Notice that both (I believe) individuals were also active on a state-level child custody decision-making committee, which the conference as convened, in part, to talk about. A state legislator was there… (Next image has been posted at least twice previously):

How reviewing “Families in Transitions” came up:  

Recently, I’d been talking (posting) on the sentence “FamiliesChange” as a chosen web domain exported from the (Canadian charity) “Justice Education Society of BC” into the U.S. as part of its international outreach operations, and directly as to California Courts websites, and indirectly through sponsored (primarily by Legal Services Corporation grants to statewide nonprofit legal aid associations), through statewide legal aid entities in, so far: Connecticut, Vermont, and Maine. Next two images:

As previously posted..  When I checked [Connecticut’s] state judicial website first, no visible direct link [to the CT.FamiliesChange.org page] — but a search (already knowing the search term, “Families Change” produced one announcement, over a year ago). Image, my comment in yellow typo: “LCS” should be “LSC” for Legal Services Corporation (a US Congressionally-created funding resource for state-level legal aid associations, to increase access to (civil) justice for the poor.

From the Canadian charity (Justice Education Society of BC) website describing “Families Change” and some of its USA activities, as previously posted..

Not to mention other website development (though not involving “FamiliesChange” website) into a suburb? of Cleveland Ohio, Garfield Heights Municipal Court.  Which municipal court comes, as far as family matters (and DV) are concerned underneath Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court which I found running mandatory parent-education courses (a special Rule 34, “Divorce Seminar” had been created to run the programming in June, 1994), only court-approved ones, naturally.  One court-approved divorce seminar provided by an entity with no identifiable business IDentity in Ohio, but BY “Beech Brook” (a “behavioral health agency” with a focus on foster and adoptive families, $45/parent) and the other (meant for parents forced to take the course outside of Ohio, or Spanish-speaking) run by a known AFCC professional, whose books (with co-author) are being promoted actively through FamiliesChange website in California, and elsewhere.  (Children in Between, formerly “Children in the Middle On-Line” provided by The Center for Divorce Education).

(Below, two images with maps show Ohio within the US (near Lake Erie/Great Lakes), Cuyahoga County within Ohio, and Garfield Heights within that county – as previously posted. For more info see “Missing Link” post, 2/10/2018 and “FamiliesChange the Sentence” post, 2/14/2018. Full titles with links at the end of this section).

Cuyahoga County within Ohio; Ohio within the USA (note near the Great Lakes)..

Garfield Heights (contains a Municipal Court whose website had design help from Canadian Charity JES of BC, per them).

The strands and networking activity within and around family /”divorce” courts and — for at least one of the two people whose “centers” co-sponsored a 2015 “Family Transitions” conference I blogged recently — connections,** along with  consistent loyalty to promote (the AFCC’s basic protocol, languages, and strategic goals and ways to reach them, i.e., from centers within law schools) which these two individuals represent are significant.

**Jan. 30, 2018 Note from the Managing Editor at Family Court Review  (FCR) indicating 20 junior staff members (also students) have been selected to work alongside the editorial staff.  One of the many benefits of publishing from a private university’s law school.

However the current editor-in-chief is Barbara Babb.  Jan. 30, 2018 message, jointly with Robert E. Emery (also presenting — see image — at the above Family Transitions conference), honoring recently deceased leadership, Professor Herbie J. DiFonzo.  From the link, click on her name; she’s editor in chief. This is a position of significant influence, and a recent (FY2015) search for editor in chief made it quite clear that though jointly-published with a private university, FCR is indeed the voice of AFCC and is to reflect its memberships’ interests and concerns, and work closely with the board, although (technically speaking) the editor-in-chief is still independent of them.  See also from the AFCC website (Rob’t E. Emery is apparently “Social Science Editor” although this links to an announcement of the search for one. Right sidebar shows Family Court Review leadership (3 individuals named).

Even if they weren’t, I still believe this draft should still be published on two counts, that is,  on both:

Count (1), the Education Transformation Trademarked & Networked Nonprofits (or, “Nonprofit Networks“) (ETTNNs, a recently coined term — mine) which I was blogging late 2016-mid 2017, but is still relevant, and

Count (2), the ongoing, and frequently successful attempts to saturate family court proceedings with force-fed parenting or other psychoeducational, behavioral modification, attitude adjustment or just plain indoctrination courses, typically trademarked — which create corresponding income streams for some, and expenses for others), with recent overt indicators (for those who pay attention to certain court websites) of taking family court operations and business enterprises internationally, especially with the United States’ (the lower 48’s contiguous) northern, and Alaska’s southeastern North American neighbor, CANADA.

These two types of causes are following similar practices under different names, thereby (exponentially) increasing the number of untrackable, large, small, intermediary, statewide, regional, national (umbrella) and “et cetera” kinds of tax-exempt corporations (501©3s, nonprofits, whatever else they may be called) MOST of which if not directly taking government contributions, or contracts, or in the case of some, BOTH, are also operating within or around (with intent to “surround”) public institutions already supported by the public while, ironically, often studying how to unburden the “low-income” populations which are both as members of the workforce and as having taxes deducted from their wages and the other many ways employees contribute to the fiscal resources of public institutions (a.k.a. governments, that is, government entities…).

That is, in addition to the virtual “shadow” government as represented by networked organizations which by their very names include they represent one or another public function, as I took much time laying out (as I recall) throughout 2017 — the NGA, NCSC, NCSL, NASMHD,  the ICMA (City/County Managers’ Association AND its retirement (institutional investment manager) organization), and many more, and that’s only taking into account those whose membership is limited to those holding public office.   The “N” in those titles representing the word “National” but the “I” in ICMA, “International.”  As I’m referencing this now, I also remember another “International” one, “ICLEI” whose origins seem to be from outside the USA (Canada, specifically), and which acronym would be in a post title.

FamilyCourtMatters.org Search for my posts labeled or about “ICLEI” brings up two. (The search function on top right, or replace the search string in the url here to change it).  Here’s a search (on this blog) for posts labeled or about “ICMA.” For more on what I referred to in as a virtual “shadow” government (not quite sure whether quotes are even needed; it’s so established by now), search one of the above acronyms, or see the “Footnote” to this post which deals with the long middle section of its title, and references the page:

Do you Know Your NGA?  Post-PRWORA, 1998 Stealth, Coordinated Expansion/Diversion of Welfare Funds based on Sociological, Quasi-Religious Ideology on the Ideal Family Structure (the offspring of The 1965 Moynihan Report), Facilitated by (A) At least 39 of the Nation’s Governors and (B) as Coached by Wade Horn ℅ The National Fatherhood Initiative (Page Added 9/2016) [<==with a shortlink, courtesy “tinyurl.com” (Yes, that huge title is just one link — and thanks to tinyurl,  the URL, at least, is small enough to tweet, about 29 characters):]

Image #1 of 2 from my Sep. 2016, updated Apr. 2017 post, “Do You Know Your…?” with minor annotations.

Image #2 of 2 from my Sep. 2016, updated Apr. 2017 post, “Do You Know Your…?” with minor annotations.

Two screenprints here show how it starts and also summarize some of my concerns at that time regarding public/private control of public education (and family courts, “human development,” the courts, etc.) and the difficulty of having conversations on censored subject matter many people are simply unaware of, which hasn’t prevented extreme partisan ship based on hot-issue (gun control, for example, or how to handle (prosecute, or treat?) domestic violence, etc.  For more, see bottom of this post and/or that one.

… So I went looking for my earlier post on Urie Bronfenbrenner and the Center at Cornell; found one, and another, this one, in draft.

First, I added an extended “Preview” tying some of the backgrounds of Cornell and the “College of Human Ecology” which I feel reflect some of the essential characteristics, over the decades (some, since the 1860s), of still elitist views to exploit access to the public to develop theories on how best “we” should be managed.

That took a while, and after about a day’s work on this, I decided to addressing it separately,  in part because of enough expired (since only Oct. 2016!) links in this post as previously written; and in part because it should be broken into smaller segments, not expanded with a background designed to add some depth and historical development to the situation.

. . . . [Material added, then deleted and temporarily parked at (Post title with shortlink, as started 2/17/2018, elsewhere):Ecology (Colleges of), Psychology, and Cornell. Why The History of the American University System Still Matters. (shortlink ending “-8F5”)   Subtitle: Some Historic Problems — Design Flaws, or Inherent Design Genius, depending one’s perspective, with The American University System]. . . . .

Because this situation is in transit, the connective tissue — just like in any transit system — isn’t fully in place. There may be some dead-ends in the narrative until it’s finalized… (: //LGH Feb. 17, 2018).


APA Distinguished Scientific Award for the Application of Psychology (shared in 2003 by Ceci + Loftus). Referenced and linked, but this image not previously posted. Ceci (Cornell) also associated with (the late; d. 2005) Bronfenbrenner

As described above. Award series started in 1973 and had few women; Elizabeth J. Loftus was only the fourth. 2017 Awardee is a woman, but 2015 is Michael E. Lamb, (<==link commending Richard Warshak’s “Divorce Poison” along other promos referencing “parental alienation.”  I’ll also image separately here)… well known (by some of us dealing with custody courts after DV) in fatherhood/fathers rights circles.

A section on Communities In Schools (an education transformation network started apparently in 1977 and gone national now) was also removed, developed, and has just been published, Feb. 23, 2018….  It has some material on the Bronfenbrenner and colleagues’ at Cornell, or on similar projects overlapping with family court concerns (such as the “malleability of human memory, i.e., reliability of child witnesses of their own sexual abuse, a field well-developed and rewarded with honors by another man who worked (apparently alongside or with) Bronfenbrenner at Cornell, and shared an award with Elizabeth J. Loftus (now at U.C. Irvine).  Another (2015? recipient of the same award was Michael E. Lamb).

From this website (adjusted/scrolled down to show Michael Lamb’s testimonial for Warshak’s “Divorce Poison,” about parental alienation, a malignant form of child abuse, etc.). As it says, Warshak is indeed “Psychologist & Author,” particularly author..

Images added from the APA Distinguished Scientific Applications for Psychology award, granted in 2015 to Michael E. Lamb, reflecting, or at least indicating where he’s coming from and whom approves (book testimonial for “Divorce Poison” by Warshak).  As the APA thinks this individual (M.E. Lamb) is apparently a good spokesman for scientific applications for psychology and outside indicators show he’s well within the “parental alienation” // AFCC propaganda rhetoric, it’s fair to take this also as possibly reflecting the APA’s position itself.  I say this not based on just single “factoids.” (See nearby image annotated in pink, blue, and yellow.  The pink top border color is mine, arbitrary, and the annotations reflect my being talkative on the topic, having recently looked closer at Warshak’s background as well as that of one of his mentors(?) and much senior co-author, John Santrock, who also provides right side-bar approvals.)

Meanwhile, which by now is NOT news to people reading this blog, there has been a major school shooting in Florida, resulting in other information added to my most recent post, Communities in Schools… Go find those tax returns! (short-link ends “-8Fb”; also shown in “Related Posts” table just below).

I then took a look at the Broward County Public School System (vs. county) ways of disclosing their own financials, and urged readers to get a better grip on what is a school district, and what lines of work it is in. //LGH 2-24-2018.

Related posts to the BLOGGING CONTEXT (>Feb. 25, 2018) SECTION include (but aren’t limited to):





**Little did I know while working on that, that Valentine’s Day was anything but happy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, within the Broward County {Florida} Public Schools (School District) and per Wikipedia the only high school in Parkland. It has a low poverty rate.  It’s in a large school district; the only larger one in Florida apparently being in nearby Miami and yet somehow here — not some inner city, urban impoverished neighborhood, becomes the one with the latest school and a large massacre…(Bulleted list of several news articles on it below).

What is going on in such schools?  What does this say about U.S. practice of concentrating masses of students DAILY, MOST of the DAY,  in public schools, and massive investments in the real estate, administration, staffing, maintenance, insurance, upkeep and expansion in general?  I think, much!

Parkland (Wikipedia) is within the Greater Miami area, but itself not that large by population and known (see city name) for its zoning protecting the environment.  It also seems to be majority white, and median household income, fairly substantial (as reported fully 8 years ago, in 2010) (nearby image in blue borders):

(Alphabetical List of FL counties from FL DMV. Broward County School District is the second largest in FL, nearby Miami’s is first, acc. to an (outdated, but Wiki’s latest) 2008 listing of largest in the nation.)

Where is Broward County? DMV Florida Map Shows.  What about Parkman? It’s within the Miami metropolitan area, only much smaller in size.

(CNN)When Coral Springs police officers arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis, many officers were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward County Sheriff’s deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. The deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles, the sources said, and not one of them had gone into the school

[<== From that link:  (CNN)The Florida deputy who waited outside as a gunman targeted staff and students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 17, was twice nominated as the School Resource Deputy of the Year and won the award in 2014, personnel records obtained by CNN show. | para. break | Deputy Scot Peterson resigned following his suspension Thursday, after being accused of doing nothing to stop last week’s massacre. An internal investigation is pending].

What these Coral Springs officers observed — though not their feelings about it — will be released in a report, likely next week. Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene. | para. break |  The resentment among Coral Springs officials toward Broward County officials about what they perceived to be a dereliction of duty may have reached a boiling point at a vigil the night of February 15, where, in front of dozens of others, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum confronted Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. A source familiar with the conversation tells CNN that Goodrum was upset that the Broward deputies had remained outside the school while kids inside could have been bleeding out, among other reasons….

(As previously posted) Bottom half of “Budget Resources Center” page (see window frame top margin)– which these aren’t, particularly, delivers the goods with little to no explanation of what goods they are…[Left Column presents UNaudited reports..]

Who knows much, if anything, about the operations of any local school district?  That’s why I took time to reference Broward County’s in last week’s post (“Communities In Schools”), located their 250+-page CAFR, and annotated some excerpts.  First image references some ‘FAQs” as answered by the district, the next references money raised specifically to increase Safety (and other things) in the district, approved by voters back in 2014… The images here with dark-orange backgrounds refer to this public school system which had a recent massacre, on Valentine’s Day…

BCPS website, from its “FAQs” pages; notice reference to Innovation Zones and how the district is funded // municipal taxes distributed district-wide.

BCPS Financial Statement reference to funding for S.M.A.R.T section (the “statements” are the financials; the accompany “MD&A” and “Notes to The Financial Statements” are an integral part of any such statements), these dated  Year Ending Sep. 30, 2017 — less than a half year ago; and having been published only November, 2017.. Notice the emphasis on “SMART” investments in the nearby image.In the acronym S.M.A.R.T – the “S” stands for “Safety…” : It appears that in 2014, the County voters approved $800M General Obligation Bonds, and the district added $190M, for use over a five-year period (which five years, not mentioned) — which means, nearly $1 Billion was specially ADDED to existing funding resources (including the District’s ability to tax) for:

Safety, Music & Art, Athletics, Renovation & Technology.

District Bonds for S.M.A.R.T. shown on recent (FYE Sep 30, 2017) BCPS “SAFR” (click image and read labeling to see). Inside first annotation — blue oval. Pls. read the rest however…

This page from Broward County Public Schools Superintendent’s Report (“SAFR,” which is also unaudited) FYE 9/30/2017, describes various components of the district as well as (first paragraph) clearly identifying it as “primary government” and authorized under state law. There is also a separate (but considered “component unit”) Corporation for purchasing and leasing facilities, a separate (blended but still “component” unit), the Broward County Education Foundation a separate nonprofit (see details) and, typically, a vehicle for pooled investment funds, the “FTEIF” charaterized as LIKE one regulated under the SEC; and elsewhere described as a trust under “common law” in Florida.





This has been a long, and hard, post to get out since deciding to this season, and if its information is new, appreciated, or had an impact on the viewers, I would appreciate a comment, a reblog, or any social media references to it.  Its information remains timely because many of these organizations still exist, and plenty more like them do, and are evolving (being formed, or status-revoked but continuing to solicit on the websites) at any point in time.

Look for the patterns, and make a note of specific particularly influential organizations (or federal / state departments) behind the networks and the “Systems Change” (“Transformation / Improvement”) principles under which the networks are recommended and promoted. That’s essentially what I do, with the “drill-downs” as much as time and energies (including to annotate and post them) allow.



 [As yet, still unpublished Feb. 2020…links become active and accurate only once published]:

A Health Institute* with a VERY Healthy financial profile, a Network to Build Healthy Places, ** and (WHOSE?) Purpose-Built Communities, a Charter School, a Youth Group — and a civil grand jury about the finances of some of the aforesaid (short-link ends “-9w1”, about 1,000 words as moved 3/6/2019 and originally posted as an intro 2/27/2018, being further developed 2/16/2020).

That title will likely change, underlying link (once published) will still work.

(*”PHI” = Public Health Institute in Oakland, California (multi-million-dollar nonprofit taking about 50% gov’t revenues and with a speckled reporting history.  No (zero, nada, not one) financial statements posted on its California Registry of Charitable Trusts “Details” page, with no tax return for FY 2018 (Fiscal Year ends Dec. 31) even posted yet.  The status is marked “Pending reporting” and I gather it’s probably one of those “too big to fail” health-financed 501©3s around….)(**”BHPN” (Building Healthy Places Network) is described as though it’s both a person and a project, which this post shows in annotated images.  It’s in fact a project of PHI…). Post title likely to change before publishing, but the above link becomes active (regardless of title adjustments) when it is..//LGH Feb. 2020]

Other versions of my post title, the one you’re reading now:

What’s this First Five Years Fund and the MANIC drive for universal preschool,* home visitation,and birth-to-five programming (at least for the future working classes) got to do with the family courts and divorce/custody matters, and marriage/fatherhood programming?

*(and in general the push by public/private partnerships = major elite wealth power bloc in the US) to insert more — and more — and yet more —  adults, “experts” into the lives of  as many children under 5 years old, as early as possible (shortly after labor and delivery — or sometimes, before birth)?  Do these people raise their children the same way?

It’s truly not possible to inject enough sarcasm into a description of the overall development of these fields, and propagation of them upon, first, anyone low-income, then, almost anyone except those behind the push for pushing everyone ELSE’s kids into failing, substandard, and standardizing systems — while leaving intact the elite, prep-school, Ivy-League Feeders and expensive K-12 systems intended to raise future global citizens who won’t be so burdened by, say, a concern for laws, the Bill of Rights (as expressed within the US Constitution and its Amendments) (notice that giving women the vote wasn’t among the first Ten Amendments)…

For example:

The NYU Steinhardt – Early Childhood Education showing variety of  degree (B.A., M.A., PhD) programs from Birth to Age 2, and related certifications.  This “ECE” is under their Department of Teaching and Learning” and the (very) fine print at the bottom of the page reads “Applied Psychology” which of course, this is.  Parents and family of course are important too, but most especially so is “early childhood education”

NYU Steinhardt’s Early Childhood Education programs will prepare you to create quality care for all children. You’ll develop your teaching practice as a reflective practitioner and teacher researcher, with a commitment to social justice for young children and their families.

Children are at the center of our curricula. We see children as competent persons actively engaged in making meaning in multiple contexts. We recognize the importance of parents and families in nurturing young children, and the need for educators to develop reciprocal relationships with families. Our programs actively advocate for institutional changes that value early childhood education as a vital part of a child’s educational experiences.

 “ECE” in this context means the professional educators are involved, ensuring a steady stream of children on which to practice and develop research and more theories about learning from, as well as engage in working for “social justice.”

The New School for Social ResearchCenter for Attachment Research (long, descriptive page of a program at this progressive school in NYC).  First few paragraphs reference connection with a “Chelsea after-school I have a Dream program” for children now in middle school.

This website came up in post context when I found the originator of “I have a Dream Foundation” was also (at 1985 NYT Article on the same program targeted at keeping sixth graders in school through — a multimillionaire industrialist– suddenly deciding to reward them with college tuition if they didn’t drop out), the multimillionaire industrialist (Eugene M. Lang) was said to be on the Board of Trustees of this school.

Notice the general descriptions, terms, activities, and that this is in the field of psychology although the discussion is about early education contexts for children:

The Center for Attachment Research (CAR) was established in 2004 with the arrival of Miriam Steele and Howard Steele to the Department of Psychology at The New School for Social Research. The center is engaged in the application of attachment theory to clinical and developmental research questions concerning child, parent, and family development. CAR initiatives involve New School for Social Research, Parsons, Lang, and other New School students and faculty, as well as ongoing collaborations with senior consultants and colleagues in New York and internationally.

The Center for Attachment Research is currently engaged in a range of projects. The primary project, supported by funding from—and affiliation with—colleague Anne Murphy at the Early Child Care Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is an examination of the effectiveness of a Group Attachment Based Intervention (GABI) provided to vulnerable parents. The immediate goal of the intervention is to enhance parental sensitivity, improve parents’ mental health, and promote children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development, diminishing child behavior problems. Increasing attention is being given to enhancing the child-mother, and child-father, attachment relationship to lower risks of child maltreatment. This study is actively recruiting families to engage in interventions as well to serve as comparisons to families involved in interventions.

Another area of work at CAR is the study and assessment of children’s understanding of emotion and their theory of mind. The study relies on a measurement tool developed by the Steeles: the “Affect Task” a cartoon-based assessment of children’s ability to recognize and understand emotion, including sequential and mixed emotions. With the help of a team of master’s and doctoral students, data has been collected from school-age children in New York and the tri-state area. This aspect of CAR work is closely connected with the Chelsea I Have a Dream after-school program where a cohort of children now in middle school have been followed longitudinally since 2005, supporting the children’s learning and contributing to the advancement of child development knowledge

Meanwhile, there is a major connection between the childhood development specialists and human developmental specialists. . . .

  • [My sarcastic, but I believe still accurate, summary==>] (population management and control, including of breeding and subsequent education) for the domesticated humans by the undomesticated and “above-the-law” ones, self-appointed and inter-generational masters with the “next-layer down” class of professionals intended to be satisfied with a social status of managing still those lower than them on the human corporate/economic pyramid, and in preservation of their connection with those at whose table they eat, and to focus on their (paid-for) “superiority” to those they are hired to keep from troubling the elites with their complaints about injustice, hunger, homelessness and increasing disrespect for this population’s right to maintain private connections with their own offspring — by “private” meaning, with the parents’ intent there be indeed some privacy involved in which healthy mother/children or father/children biological bonds can develop apart from the socialization, industrialization (preparation for their niche on the economic playing field), and indoctrination classrooms.

. . .  to similar kinds of child-development / psychological professionals among the fauna and flora (in-home and peripheral, that is, referral services involved) of family courts across the country.  There is a close connection between the fields of education (a large part of which rests on educational theories) and psychology, and both sectors operate closely with the power structures of government entities and both public and private universities.

Both sectors incessantly demand access to HUGE sections (“chunks”) of the US (and overseas) population on which to practice, while (closer examination shows) their studies and pilot studies (research and demos) are often not on such a wide sector before the decision is made to “go national” with it.

Instead of having actual communities anymore, the communities are to be moved into the public schools,(and/or housing projects) with a primary indicator of schools as places where parents (in general) ARE NOT — the parents are instead to be at the corporations.

When the parents come home (if they are lucky enough not to be working two jobs to make ends meet), they can dedicate yet further time to volunteer and emotionally psychologically and with their little private time, further validating the schools in which their children are being raised, but apparently most of the day every day is just not enough time to educate children in group situations, or to properly monitor they day in/day out….

Meanwhile, their children in some schools, apparently, are instead of in “cradle-to-career” pipelines in (other types of nonprofit, nationally-organized nonprofits declare — and Luzerne County (PA) Kids-for-Cash scandal seems to indicate, they have their point in declaring it — in “School-to-Prison pipelines.”  For which, more coordinated diversionary services (Models for Change, Juvenile Delinquency Alternatives Initiative, etc.) are called into play.

ANOTHER SECTION JUST EXPORTED TO A NEW POST (to be published soon, as I speak, Feb. 16, 2020…).  

Between these two lines is an overlap footprint left here referencing the material.  This material has been available for two years now, but I realize my long and detailed posts are not always read all the way through.  In the interests of re-iterating the concepts/principles here — and shortening the above post (I have reason to reference Urie Bronfenbrennar again) — this move took place….WHERE it WENT TO shown at the bottom of the overlap section…//LGH..

A Health Institute* with a VERY Healthy financial profile, a Network to Build Healthy Places, ** and (WHOSE?) Purpose-Built Communities, a Charter School, a Youth Group — and a civil grand jury about the finances of some of the aforesaid (short-link ends “-9w1”, about 1,000 words as moved 3/6/2019 and originally posted as an intro 2/27/2018, being further developed 2/16/2020).

^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^

There’s a CRADLE TO CAREER PIPELINE, framed as a positive; (Basic Model:  Communities in Schools, public/private partnerships with lead agencies, and networking in the public/private sector to build consensus)  and then there’s also the same solution, oddly (with overlap in some of the lead foundations involved), for FIXING the (negative) SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE.

Example:  YouthUprising.

In Oakland, California, Youth Uprising (formed in 2005)

In Oakland, California, Youth Uprising (formed in 2005) “gave birth to” Castlemont Renaissance, with a different board of directors but naming a related “founder.”

Where We Came From

In 2005, Youth UpRising opened the doors to a  25,000 square foot, state of the art facility in Castlemont.

Over the ensuing 10 years, YU has served over 13,000 young people with a range of programs including Arts & Expression, Health and Wellness, Career and Education and Civic Engagement.

Now Youth UpRising is giving birth to Castlemont Renaissance which will impact the larger ecosystem in which YU’s young people and their families live.

However that logo was obtained from “Castlemont Renaissance,” which I found looking up the ($250K+/year Primary Officer (Exec Director) of Youth UpRising, Olis Simmons.  (Only other officer paid in one tax return I showed was the CFO, earning about 1/5th of Ms. Simmons’ salary):

The bio of Ms. Simmons on this site shows what other businesses she has been starting and explains, probably, the connection between Castlemont Renaissance’s Board of Directors (Fred Blackwell, leader of The San Francisco Foundation (“TSFF” – major community tax-exempt in the area) and an Angela Glover-Blackwell on the board of at least some of the tax returns I saw of Youth UpRising (below).  The name “Glover” in this area also associated with another  County Supervisor and I also noticed on the Board of Youth UpRising a Nate Miley, another County Supervisor.

So, we are basically looking at local political leadership on a nonprofit calling forth more resources into the school systems.

Meanwhile, here’s the declaration with (Youth UpRising’s Board of Directors as referenced at Castlemont Renaissance, notice the mention of “Cradle-to-Career,” and Ms. Simmons as “Founding President & CEO, while not being listed (on the web page at least) as the Board of Directors of “Castlemont Renaissance.”

FYI, what I’m looking for here in part is also WHO OWNS that 25,000 S.F. state of the art facility, as Youth UpRising’s tax returns make it clear IT does not, and do not reference any “related” organization.


[SEGMENT BEING MOVED mid-Feb. 2020 is going has just gone to:

 [As yet, still unpublished Feb. 2020…]

A Health Institute* with a VERY Healthy financial profile, a Network to Build Healthy Places, ** and (WHOSE?) Purpose-Built Communities, a Charter School, a Youth Group — and a civil grand jury about the finances of some of the aforesaid (short-link ends “-9w1”, about 1,000 words as moved 3/6/2019 and originally posted as an intro 2/27/2018).

I am moving a large section of this post (previously published two years ago), and to preserve some of the original context (flow, points of reference), have left the above few paragraphs as an overlap (‘footprint’) here and will block-copy and past them there into the link shown just above.  //LGH Feb. 16. 2020.

For example, in a recent post, I referenced the nonprofit (Oakland, California area) “Youth Uprising” and its source of government funding from EIGHT different agencies — plus known private donations of $1 million in a single year from a private foundation (see top sticky post on this blog, details towards the bottom, I DNR from which one — the California Endowment, or California Healthcare Foundation, possibly — with the theory that personal change => systems change => transformation => community development, or as expressed on the website:

Theory of Change

We believe that if we provide youth with relevant services and programs, meaningful engagement with caring adults, and opportunities to practice leadership—they will become change agents and contributors to a healthy, thriving community.

This formula for change maintains that healthy, involved people can influence policy and ultimately create healthier, safer, and economically robust communities. It recognizes that youth are inherently resilient and that risk can be reduced with the right set of supports, services and opportunities.

. . .

There is a history to be found in these fields.

<> Psychologists, and the field of psychology, behavioral analysis and modification — not just lawyers — are central to the justification for both the family courts and for womb-to-tomb (or at least cradle-to-career) education targeted towards helping the distressed, high-conflict, or disadvantaged families.    <> TANF (Social Security Act-based, or “PRWORA” referring to the 1996 revision of the Social Security Act first passed in 1934) HMRF (Healthy Marriage Responsible Fatherhood) funds and programming is administered by HHS which also administers the significant Head Start programs.   Other “Federal Designer-Family” (my term) funding also supports several professions or fields of practice  towards which psychologists naturally gravitate (understandably as a stream of court-ordered consumption of services is involved), such as supervised visitation, parent education, and mediation, or parent coordination to resolve contested custody matters.

Ironically, the fields of childhood development (as a professional specialty) and promotion of (responsible) fatherhood blend, in part from the source of revenues administered by the US Department of HHS, and in part because early fathers’ rights movement of the 1980s and 1990s  emphasized integrating the programming into already Head Start (<=timeline) and “Early Head Start” policy.

Head Start just recently passed its 50th anniversary as part of LBJ’s “War on Poverty.”  The Office of Head Start under “ACF” under HHS manages those grants, targeted at low-income families. The goal is “promoting school readiness” but the means is referrals to other social services also:

OHS manages grant funding and oversees local agencies providing Head Start services. Head Start promotes school readiness of children under 5 from low-income families through education, health, social and other services.

[Source: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/ohs, accessed when I clicked on the OHS logo]

Who can get HS grants?  Almost anyone (type of organization), with less restriction on Early Head Start applicants than on regular.  What this website does NOT kindly offer viewers is where to look up former grants, grantees, amounts, and award title, although that database declares itself to have been available providing accountability since 1995.

I’m feeling generous today (obviously Office of Head Start  administrative site, or whoever takes responsibility for web page design, habitually has not been — few pages on the system, even those announcing recent HHS (for example), marriage/fatherhood grantees, include any link to this database, or even hint at its existence), so, again (it’s referenced all over this blog) here it is:  http://TAGGS.HHS.govUser beware — many internal consistency and accuracy issues, but at least it’s a START on looking at prior grantees, and seeing some comparison of amounts spent among them, or by program.  Why would not a website talking about Head Start Grants want users (or the general public who might land on this page as I did, looking up the CFDA for Head Start, which I didn’t have memorized) to look at previous recipients?

Head Start grants are awarded directly to public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit agencies within a community that wish to compete for funds. The same categories of organizations are eligible to apply for Early Head Start, except that applicants need not be from the community they will be serving.

Find Office of Head Start (OHS) available funding opportunities on the ACF Funding Opportunity Announcements website, by searching Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number 93.600 on Grants.govVisit disclaimer page, or by using the map tool below.

Just a sampler, I ran a search on TAGGS.hhs.gov/SearchAdv, and to limit the size, chose:  CFDA 93600, NY only and Year 2015 only, choosing which report columns to display from the bottom of the search page.  Results shortlink here:  sorted by largest installment (i.e., “Sum of Actions”), but this sort doesn’t show all installments that year for the grantees which show at the top; so click on sort by grantee to get a better idea.   Also be aware that the link I provided (the site self-generates then shortens to a “tinyurl.com”) has a disclaimer:  it saves search specs — not search results.  If the data changes meanwhile, the results on clicking it later may also change.

HOWEVER as of today, we have 243 Distinct Award results totalling $608,415,622.   The top three recipients (by largest chunk of award action), was New York City Child Development Agency (DUNS# 834510187, two awards of over $64.5M each), obviously representing a government entity; Accelero, Inc. (DUNS# 143313984) obviously representing a private company, and only a look-up would say whether for-profit or not-for profit.  It’s in Manhattan and this “chunk” was $34M.  The third was COMMUNITY ACTION ORGANIZATION OF ERIE COUNTY, INC (EIN# 074026477, Principal Invetigator Phyllis McBride, in Buffalo) doing both Head Start and Early Head Start, for $22.4M.

Although I don’t see this in the Head Start literature, at Cornell’s “Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research” we learn that Cornell says Urie Bronfenbenner (see academic background),  Cornell/Harvard/UMichigan developmental psychologist (and educator — it goes together) Congressional testimonies and theories helped jumpstart Head Start, and influenced generations of leaders  in the field of child development.  Please note the use of the word “experiments” in the next quote, and that among his formative influences (his father) to be applied to low-income children (en masse, through Head Start) — and now in general “early childhood education” (as well as universal preschool) is being pushed for ALL — was the point of reference “developmentally disabled.”  As a young man  who’d just earned his PhD, , the context was military during time of World War II, and within a few years of the war’s end, back to teaching at Cornell.

Born in Moscow, Russia in 1917, Urie Bronfenbrenner came to the United States at the age of 6. His father worked as a neuropathologist with developmentally disabled people at Letchworth Village in Rockland County, where Urie witnessed his father’s concern about the impact of depleted social contexts. After graduating from high school in Haverstraw, N.Y., Urie received a bachelor’s degree from Cornell University in 1938, where he completed a double major in psychology and in music. He then completed a masters degree in education from Harvard (1940) followed by a doctorate from the University of Michigan in developmental psychology (1942). The day after receiving his doctorate he was inducted into the Army, where he served as a psychologist in a variety of assignments in the Air Corps, the Office of Strategic Services, and the Army Medical Corps. Following demobilization and a two-year stint as an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, he joined the Cornell faculty in 1948.

Urie’s Ecological Systems Theory proposed that human development unfolds in a nested set of systems, involving cultural, social, economic, and political elements, not merely psychological ones. These systems and their interactions can nurture or stifle optimal development. Policies and programs can play a major role in shaping these systems –thus potentially promoting human health and well-being. This perspective transformed the study of human development. Among other influences, it encouraged more developmental scientists to examine both naturally occurring and deliberately designed experiments in the real world to illuminate the influences of contexts on human development, and particularly on child development.

What years was Pavlov influential, again?  Notice the use of the word “real world” implying the theoretical, artificially constructed one isn’t.  Also contrasting with academia…. I’d also like to point out that the words “scientist” and “psychologists” (the field in question) are not entirely interchangeable or even mutually compatible, as much as psychologists in general may wish them to be, particularly those entranced with the use of “Dr.” before their names on website and in self-reference.  While anyone who has earned a PhD (in anything) could legitimately use that label, it is commonly associated with the medical and a rigorous training before being granted the license to practice, which license can also be revoked for malpractice.

A National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices “Stateline” communication (1998) summarizing fatherhood programs across the nation, with help from National Fatherhood Initiative and thanks to Wade Horn. It’s a short pdf with just a few footnotes, and note it was intended for distribution at an upcoming meeting of — the nation’s governors..: Click above to see — it references Head Start a number of times.

Also discussed along with the NGA, another major Corporate Fellow of the NGA on a separate page.  That page may not show on my sidebar, but is accessible here as of 9/15/2016:

Do you Know Your NGA?  Post-PRWORA, 1998 Stealth, Coordinated Expansion/Diversion of Welfare Funds based on Sociological, Quasi-Religious Ideology on the Ideal Family Structure (the offspring of The 1965 Moynihan Report), Facilitated by (A) At least 39 of the Nation’s Governors and (B) as Coached by Wade Horn ℅ The National Fatherhood Initiative (Page Added 9/2016) [<==with a shortlink, courtesy “tinyurl.com” (Yes, that huge title is just one link — and thanks to tinyurl,  the URL, at least, is small enough to tweet, about 29 characters):]

Footnote To This Post**” (separates dialogue added in splitting the post from the material above, which was copied from the pre-split Table of Contents 2016) has its own content and just got “birthed,”* “launched” “founded” or  “spearheaded” (or pick another gallant-sounding verb from the private sector about what great work has sprung forth from so-called “prominent thinkers” — and that’s literally a quote, long ago, from “National Fatherhood Initiative’s website”) into a separate from the (mothership) post.

*Perhaps a counterpoint to “penis envy,” I never could figure out why many men’s groups (nonprofits) would be borrowing verbally and conceptually from the opposite gender’s biological prerogative in that we (not the men) conceive, gestate for months (ideally, nine) and go through considerable physical labor, and pain, to give birth and then – at least according to “Nature’s” (personified) plan, also feeding the young ones from within our own breasts most of the time, except in less than natural, extenuating, or medically- or chemically-induced situations in combination with consumer-based marketing that somehow infant formula is better (when in fact, if Mom is well-nourished and not an addict, generally speaking, it’s not).

Is it just to appropriate/commandeer through language the one thing women absolutely, at least at this point in technological development, can do better than men, give birth?

I am a mother, and know personally that nine months’ gestation and some hard labor (and rejoicing in the results) goes with that territory, as well as a life-long responsibility, for which of course many mothers must fight “Big Brother” (the State) backing “noncustodial parent” (fathers) to retain and are, in this century, often losing dramatically, in the so-called family courts, pushing responsible mothers underfoot and apparently sometimes underground to bulldoze new, improved (?) paths for “responsible fatherhood,” whether or not this state of being is ever achieved in individual cases by such bribery — which the means of promotion indeed consist of.  The bribes just come from federal sources through state, through public and private hands and individually, sometimes off the radar and not within plain view of the other parent, to facilitate “increased noncustodial parenting” while publicizing abroad to ALL how single mothers are dangerous to children.

What a mess.  Anyhow, it’s 2016, and I do have updates on the state of this field and the condition of efforts to fix the family court system from those who ought to know better what they represent.

Two follow-up posts are in draft status.  They have good and relevant information, but not in the best presentation yet.  When published, those links will work (even if I may by then have a somewhat different title.  The url [website address] is what directs to the post when clicked on).

This second one has substantial detailed information, but I am having some challenges controlling PTSD and related narratives over that recent news.  It may be a while before this post is ready for publishing.  The balance between whether to relate this to my own case (or others’), which cases are similarly outrageous, is sometimes hard to judge.  Truth is important to tell,it seems a betrayal to tell it without passion, but problematic sometimes to tell it in this context with situation-appropriate passion.

I mean, I am indeed outraged at what is happening to mothers, as a sector of society, across the country.

I also know that picking major volatile subject matter is also one way that the controlling powers** to influence public policy and control the structure of communities where WE live and many times the foundations do not.

However, the local, sometimes giant, “community” foundations take care of the semblance, that is appearance, of representing local interests, as I discussed, for example, in the State of Connecticut, where the Greater New Haven Community Foundation (GNHCF) or [check posts or search for its exact name] in 2015 moved substantial assets to Cayman Island investments — while failing to report $129M (as I recall) in grants on a Schedule I for public consumptionand while granting to an organization which hadn’t filed an annual report OR tax return (and lost its EIN# qualification afterwards) in about 2011 or 2012 (which refers to Greater New Haven Family Alliance).

**[During my Feb. 2018 post review I moved the long parenthetical from the middle of the above sentence to this paragraph. //LGH] (that is, controlling direction and use of public funds AFTER Congress appropriates them, as well as the substantial controlling power represented by networked tax-exempt foundations of $50M, $100M, or sometimes billions of dollars of assets, EACH, and most of the disseminating (distributing) though it’s perhaps only 5% of total assets, still that’s a lot of money, spread in varying amounts across “the landscape” (the country, and other countries)

From what I can tell, this kind of pervasive dishonesty and moving public/private-controlled assets off-shores is the least of many worries facing the USA in the near future, not to mention the accompanying, long-standing public ignorance of how to read government financial returns (and lack of the will to do so with each other and consistently) as a counterpoint to major-media-manipulated “talking points” on Republican versus Democrat Presidents, and which one of the next two apparent options, would be worse…

Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

February 27, 2018 at 8:51 pm

Posted in 1996 TANF PRWORA (cat. added 11/2011)

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